Now that ICBC reforms are in place, the NDP government has moved to the next phase of its plan to douse the “dumpster fire” that is the Crown auto insurer’s financial outlook.
A new revenue stream: merchandising.
T-shirts, coffee mugs and bumper stickers are among the initial offerings, playing off social media chatter about the popular N and L decals that novice and learning drivers must display on their rear bumpers. Some of the edgier merchandise actually mentions the dumpster fire phrase that Attorney General David Eby popularized in early 2018 to describe what the BC Liberals left behind.
According to a business plan leaked to theBreaker.news, the program could be worth $10 million in new revenue within three years.
The summary says that target markets include ironic hipsters, cheeky politicos and disgruntled employees. Prices for T-shirts will start at $20 each and will be delivered in partnership with Amazon.
The products are scheduled to be launched just before noon today, by ICBC’s new vice-president of merchandise, Patti P. Protoprilia.