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HomeBusinessIt’s on! Election 43 underway Wednesday

It’s on! Election 43 underway Wednesday

Bob Mackin

Let the promise-making, bellyaching, navel-gazing, fibbing, fabricating, shaming, advertising, door-knocking, burma-shaving and robocalling… intensify.

You thought I was going to say begin, didn’t you?

Canada’s 43rd federal election campaign unofficially began with the end of last spring’s sitting of the House of Commons. You might say it unofficially began the day after the last election, in 2015.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau visits Rideau Hall to ask Gov. Gen. Julie Payette to dissolve the house on Sept. 11 and proceed with the fixed Oct. 21 election. Trudeau had until Sept. 15 to do so. No word on why Sept. 11 was chosen. It did raise a few eyebrows, as it is a solemn occasion: the 18th anniversary of the day 26 Canadians died in the 9/11 terrorist attacks in the U.S.

Trudeau begins the campaign enveloped by the stench of corruption, as the Globe and Mail reports his appointees in the Privy Council Office are blocking the RCMP from investigating cabinet documents. Trudeau enters the election with two, count ’em, two conflict of interests and an active RCMP investigation, after promising an ethical government in 2015. Can Conservative opposition leader Andrew Scheer capitalize? 

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Meanwhile, on the eve of writ day, a Conservative-aligned company is robocalling. Joseph Ben-Ami’s Ditchley Research is seeking answers to its four-question survey. Ben-Ami is a former aide to Stephen Harper and Stockwell Day. (The call was actually from “Theresa from Ditchley Research,” not Joseph.)

The four questions?

  1. Are you a Canadian citizen, 18 years of age or older?
  2. Do you approve of the job Justin Trudeau is doing as Prime Minister?
  3. Do you support the construction to expand the Trans-Mountain Pipeline from Alberta to the Port of Vancouver?
  4. Tomorrow Justin Trudeau will ask the Governor General to call an election for Oct. 21, as you consider how you will vote, what issue is most important to you in deciding which party you will support?
  • Carbon Tax
  • Seniors Benefits
  • Federal Deficit and Debt
  • Legalization of Cannabis
  • Families and Children
  • Other
  • Undecided

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