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Sunday / March 9.
  • No products in the cart. Election Tracker: Who’s in? Election Tracker: Who’s in?

The filing window for candidates in the 2018 British Columbia municipal elections is closed.

The door of the Vancouver civic election office closed to registrants at 4 p.m. on Sept. 14, but it took almost nine more hours for the official list to be made public. theBreaker, which was there at 4 p.m., had been updating the list as it progressed since the Sept. 4 opening of the filing period. 

There are 21 candidates for mayor, 71 candidates for the 10 council seats, 33 for seven seats on park board and 33 for nine seats on school board. That is 158 contestants vying for 27 jobs. (Kelly Alm and Gordon T. Kennedy are running for both city council and school board.) Names will appear on the ballot in random order, after a draw for positions on Sept. 21 at 5 p.m. in the city council chamber. 

The list is subject to change. Candidate nominations can be challenged until 4 p.m. Sept. 18. Names can be withdrawn until Sept. 21.

As always, theBreaker welcomes confidential tips about what’s going on inside campaigns. Click here. 

Office First Name Middle Name Last Name Party (independent if blank)
Mayor Wai Yee YOUNG Coalition Vancouver
Mayor Katherine Susan LE ROUGETEL
Mayor Gölök BUDAY
Mayor Angela May (Rollergirl) DAWSON
Mayor Hector Dennis BREMNER Yes
Mayor Ken SIM NPA
Mayor Timothy Ping Kwan CHAN
Mayor Jason LAMARCHE
Mayor David Kuan-Yu CHEN Pro Vancouver
Mayor Michael Christian HANSEN
Mayor Constance Clara FOGAL IDEA Vancouver
Mayor Christopher Harold HARDING Vancouver 1st
Mayor Maynard AUBICHON
Mayor Sophia Cherryes Kaur KAISER
Mayor Tim LY
Mayor Lawrence MASSEY
Mayor Kennedy STEWART
Mayor Shauna SYLVESTER
Mayor John YANO
Mayor Satie SHOTTHA
Mayor Sean CASSIDY
Councillor Lisa Gwen KRISTIANSEN Pro Vancouver
Councillor Hsin-Chen FU
Councillor Harry Herschel MIEDZYGORSKI
Councillor Abubakar Amanat KHAN
Councillor Ken D CHARKO Coalition Vancouver
Councillor Glen Norman CHERNEN Coalition Vancouver
Councillor Sheng-Yang James LIN Coalition Vancouver
Councillor Franco PETA Coalition Vancouver
Councillor Penelope STAINTON-MUSSIO
Councillor Sheng XIE Coalition Vancouver
Councillor Hamdy EL-RAYES
Councillor Brinderjit Kaur BAINS Yes
Councillor Phyllis Ming-Hui TANG Yes
Councillor Jaspreet Singh VIRDI Yes
Councillor Stephanie Kelly Anne OSTLER Yes
Councillor Glynnis Choi Tei CHAN Yes
Councillor Larry James FALLS
Councillor William John SPARK
Councillor Elke PORTER
Councillor Kenneth Graham COOK
Councillor Christine BOYLE OneCity
Councillor Colleen HARDWICK NPA
Councillor Justin GOODRICH NPA
Councillor David GREWAL NPA
Councillor Rebecca BLIGH NPA
Councillor Francoise RAUNET
Councillor Morning LI Coalition Vancouver
Councillor Sarah KIRBY-YUNG NPA
Councillor Jojo QUIMPO NPA
Councillor Erin SHUM
Councillor Taqdir Kaur BHANDAL
Councillor Brandon Oliver YAN OneCity
Councillor Adriane Janice CARR Green
Councillor Peter M. FRY Green
Councillor David Hoytin WONG Green
Councillor Raza Muhammad MIRZA Pro Vancouver
Councillor Rohana Deshapriya REZEL Pro Vancouver
Councillor Lisa Marie DOMINATO NPA
Councillor Marlo Jason FRANSON
Councillor Edward Charles Cord “Ted” COPELAND
Councillor Michael John WIEBE Green
Councillor Kenneth King Chan LOW Vancouver 1st
Councillor Elizabeth TAYLOR Vancouver 1st
Councillor Elishia Amanat SAHOTA Vancouver 1st
Councillor Michelle Camille MOLLINEAUX Vancouver 1st
Councillor John MALUSA Vancouver 1st
Councillor Nycki Kaur BASRA Vancouver 1st
Councillor Jesse JOHL Vancouver 1st
Councillor Kelly ALM
Councillor Barbara BUCHANAN
Councillor Diego CARDONA Vision Vancouver
Councillor Justin CAUDWELL
Councillor Breton CRELLIN Pro Vancouver
Councillor Adrian CROOK
Councillor Melissa DE GENOVA NPA
Councillor Heather DEAL Vision Vancouver
Councillor Catherine EVANS Vision Vancouver
Councillor Wade GRANT
Councillor Gordon T. KENNEDY
Councillor Ashley HUGHES
Councillor Anastasia KOUTALIANOS
Councillor Rob McDOWELL
Councillor Penny NOBLE
Councillor Derrick O’KEEFE
Councillor Tanya PAZ Vision Vancouver
Councillor Katherine RAMDEEN
Councillor Anne ROBERTS COPE
Councillor SPIKE
Councillor Jean SWANSON COPE
Councillor Wei Qiao ZHANG Vision Vancouver
Councillor Sarah BLYTH
Park Commissioner Ray En-Jui CHANG Coalition Vancouver
Park Commissioner Jason Robert GALLOWAY Coalition Vancouver
Park Commissioner Juan Carlos MALDONADO Coalition Vancouver
Park Commissioner Taran SANGHA Coalition Vancouver
Park Commissioner Winnie Wing Leung SIU Coalition Vancouver
Park Commissioner Olga ZARUDINA Coalition Vancouver
Park Commissioner Leonidha HEBA Yes
Park Commissioner Casey CRAWFORD NPA
Park Commissioner Anne-Marie COPPING NPA
Park Commissioner Pall BEESLA NPA
Park Commissioner Tricia BARKER NPA
Park Commissioner John COUPAR NPA
Park Commissioner Camil I.S. DUMONT GREEN
Park Commissioner John Fraser Stuart MACKINNON Green
Park Commissioner Dave Andre DEMERS Green
Park Commissioner Richard (Rick) Gray HURLBUT Pro Vancouver
Park Commissioner Kathleen Anne MCGARRIGLE NPA
Park Commissioner Clifford Evan RELPH
Park Commissioner Margaret Elizabeth HAUGEN IDEA Vancouver
Park Commissioner Jamie Lee HAMILTON IDEA Vancouver
Park Commissioner Ray GOLDENCHILD Vancouver 1st
Park Commissioner Herbinder JOHL Vancouver 1st
Park Commissioner Jennifer Chang Yu YEUNG Vancouver 1st
Park Commissioner Christopher Vincent FUOCO Vancouver 1st
Park Commissioner Massimo ROSSETTI Vancouver 1st
Park Commissioner Victor CUEVAS
Park Commissioner Greg EDGELOW Pro Vancouver
Park Commissioner Gwen GIESBRECHT COPE
Park Commissioner John IRWIN COPE
Park Commissioner Mathew KAGIS Work Less Party
Park Commissioner Steven L. NEMETZ
Park Commissioner Shamim SHIVJI Vision Vancouver
Park Commissioner Cameron ZUBKO Vision Vancouver
School Trustee Kenneth Gwen DENIKE Coalition Vancouver
School Trustee Nadine Claire GOODINE Coalition Vancouver
School Trustee Sophia Wai WOO Coalition Vancouver
School Trustee Ying ZHOU Coalition Vancouver
School Trustee Jorge Julian PRIETO Yes
School Trustee Fraser BALLANTYNE NPA
School Trustee Christopher RICHARDSON NPA
School Trustee Carmen CHO NPA
School Trustee Oliver HANSON NPA
School Trustee Estrellita GONZALEZ Green
School Trustee Janet Rhoda FRASER Green
School Trustee Sheung Man Lois PEDLEY Green
School Trustee Carrie Anne BERCIC OneCity
School Trustee Erica Jane JAAF OneCity
School Trustee Jennifer REDDY OneCity
School Trustee Barbara Kathleen ANDERSON IDEA Vancouver
School Trustee Pratpal Kaur GILL Vancouver 1st
School Trustee Tony ZL DONG Vancouver 1st
School Trustee Bruno BARONET Vancouver 1st
School Trustee Marco He Pui LEE Vancouver 1st
School Trustee Kelly ALM
School Trustee Diana DAY COPE
School Trustee Stephanie DESCOTEAUX Vancouver 1st
School Trustee Fairnia FARROKHI
School Trustee Gordon T. KENNEDY
School Trustee Tiffiny KINDRID Pro Vancouver
School Trustee Aaron LEUNG Vision Vancouver
School Trustee Mrs. DOUBTFIRE
School Trustee Morgane OGER
School Trustee Barbara PARROT COPE
School Trustee Chris QIU NPA
School Trustee Allan WONG Vision Vancouver

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