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Tuesday / March 4.
  • No products in the cart. Podcast: Postcard from PyeongChang Podcast: Postcard from PyeongChang

On this week’s edition of Podcast, host Bob Mackin interviews sports agent Brant Feldman, who is in PyeongChang for the 2018 Winter Olympics. 

Feldman represents a variety of Canadian and American athletes, including Canadian hockey player Meghan Agosta. She is taking a break from her duties as a Vancouver Police office in a quest to win another gold medal. 

Feldman offers his perspective on what it’s like on the ground in South Korea at the Games of Ice and Snow. 

Plus all the regular features. It’s free to listen below. Find out how you can get a free copy of Bob Mackin’s e-book, Red Mittens & Red Ink: The Vancouver Olympics

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