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Wednesday / January 22.
  • No products in the cart. Podcast: Less than five weeks until Vancouver votes Podcast: Less than five weeks until Vancouver votes

On this week’s edition of Podcast, host Bob Mackin checks-in with Research Co pollster Mario Canseco. 

His latest poll shows 46% of respondents say they would definitely or probably consider voting for a Green Party candidate for Vancouver city council on Oct. 20 and 38% would consider an independent candidate. 

Meanwhile, in the race to succeed Mayor Gregor Robertson, ex-Burnaby NDP MP Kennedy Stewart has confidence of 33% of respondents, followed by Shauna Sylvester and Coun. Hector Bremner at 26% each, and the NPA’s Ken Sim at 24%. 

Canseco sat down at Mahony and Sons in False Creek after the registration deadline passed on Sept. 14 to talk about his findings and observations. The official campaign period is set to begin Sept. 22. The conversation covered the bombshell withdrawal of Vision Vancouver mayoral candidate Ian Campbell to vote-splitting among right-of-centre parties. 

“To go from forming the government and having a majority in council to not running anybody [for mayor] and being in great danger of not having anyone elected,” Canseco said of Campbell’s mysterious Sept. 10 departure. “It’s one of the most-astonishing collapses that we have seen.” 

Also: commentaries and headlines from around the Pacific Rim and Pacific Northwest.

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