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Tuesday / March 4.
  • No products in the cart. Podcast: Vancouver council candidates make their elevator pitches for your vote Podcast: Vancouver council candidates make their elevator pitches for your vote

There are 71 candidates running for 10 city council seats in Vancouver’s Oct. 20 general election. Almost 10% of them are on this edition of Podcast.

Hear the “elevator pitches” for your vote by: independent Justin Caudwell, Coalition Vancouver’s Glen Chernen, independent Hamdy El-Rayes, Vancouver Greens’ Pete Fry, NPA’s Colleen Hardwick, ProVancouver’s Rohana Rezel and COPE’s Anne Roberts. 

Host Bob Mackin asked each one of them why they deserve your vote and what they will do to advance the cause of open government, should they be elected. 

Plus commentaries and Pacific Rim and Pacific Northwest headlines.

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