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Tuesday / March 4.
  • No products in the cart. Podcast: Money and corruption are ruining the land – catching-up with Dermod Travis Podcast: Money and corruption are ruining the land – catching-up with Dermod Travis

Jody Wilson-Raybould quit the Trudeau Liberal cabinet as the SNC-Lavalin scandal continued to unwind.

The NDP B.C. government’s third Throne Speech came and went, with no hope that there will ever be a public inquiry into money laundering.

Then the NDP shortlisted SNC-Lavalin for the $1.37 billion Pattullo Bridge replacement between Surrey and New Westminster.

On this edition of Podcast, host Bob Mackin catches up with independent watchdog Dermod Travis of IntegrityBC.

On money laundering:

“[Premier John Horgan is] extremely tone deaf on the issue and he is going to have to recognize that some of the answers that both the government, regardless of who is in power, and the public want will only be found out through public inquiry.”

On the problem with SNC-Lavalin and Kiewit consistently ending up bidders or winners of B.C. government infrastructure projects.

“This province is seen, potentially, by competitors in the construction industry as someone else’s turf, there’s no point in  bidding… let’s go bid somewhere else. That’s not the image B.C. wants.”

On the dilemma faced by the Legislative Assembly Management Committee, after the B.C. auditor general meddling in its post-Plecas Report plan to find out-of-province help to get to the bottom of overspending by the suspended clerk and sergeant-at-arms:

“It is a mistake for Carol Bellringer to be involved… not for anything that she has done in the past that would suggest some type of partisanship or possibility of sweeping something under the carpet. Rather, that this is going to be a report at the end of the day that the public must feel that all of the issues at the Legislative Assembly have been reviewed, investigated and dealt with properly. If that person conducting that process comes from out of province and has no vested interest… we’re going to have a better product at the end of the day.”

Plus Pacific Northwest and Pacific Rim headlines and commentaries.

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