For the week of April 3, 2022:
The B.C. NDP government doesn’t say so out loud, but it is surrendering to the coronavirus pandemic and putting the lives of the very young, very old and immunocompromised at risk.
The testing and tracing program collapsed before Christmas, amid the omicron wave. It took another two months before anyone who wanted one could get a rapid test kit.

Dr. Lyne Filiatrault (PoP BC/YouTube)
The mask mandate was cancelled in March and, on April 1, it shut down the website that took reports of positive tests.
The NDP has contracted a trio of ex-bureaucrats to examine the government’s response to the pandemic. They’ll report this fall. But the cabinet and provincial health officer are off-limits for the investigation.
That, Dr. Lyne Filiatrault says, means it’s a sham.
The retired Vancouver General Hospital emergency physician — instrumental in B.C.’s victory over SARS in 2003 — is the featured guest on this week’s theBreaker.news Podcast with host Bob Mackin.
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