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For the week of June 19, 2022: 

British Columbia’s money laundering public inquiry ended June 15 with the release of an 1,800-page report containing 101 recommendations.

Christy Clark testified April 20 at the Cullen Commission (Cullen Commission)

B.C. Supreme Court Justice Austin Cullen sat as the one-man commissioner since 2019.  He wasn’t convinced BC Liberal politicians were corrupt. They just failed to do their jobs to keep dirty money out of casinos. 

While he didn’t conclude money laundering or foreign money was the root of B.C.’s sky-high real estate prices, he didn’t ignore how Chinese high roller gamblers bought luxury houses. 

Cullen said the B.C. government needs to hire an anti-money laundering commissioner and establish a money laundering intelligence and investigation squad. 

On this edition of Podcast, hear the reaction of guests Peter German and Kash Heed. 

German, the former head of the RCMP in Western Canada, authored the 2018 and 2019 Dirty Money reports that triggered the Cullen Commission. Former Solicitor General and police chief Heed was, like German, a witness during the hearings. 

Also, a commentary and headlines from the Pacific Rim and Pacific Northwest. 

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