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HomeBusinessthePodcast: Will Qualtrough’s Future of Sport in Canada Commission save Canadian sport?

thePodcast: Will Qualtrough’s Future of Sport in Canada Commission save Canadian sport?

For the week of Dec. 17, 2023:

The Trudeau Liberal government finally admitted Dec. 11 that abuse and corruption are spoiling Canada’s sport system. 

But instead of green-lighting a public inquiry — with power to order sworn testimony and documents — Sport Minister Carla Qualtrough opted for “The Future of Sport in Canada Commission.” 

It is modelled after the Truth and Reconciliation Commission on Indian residential schools and will cost $10 million to $15 million over the next 18 months. 

Is it a pre-election box-ticking exercise or will it save sport and protect athletes? 

On this edition of thePodcast, hear highlights of Qualtrough’s announcement and an interview with guest Rob Koehler, director general of Global Athlete, which advocates for athlete safety and sport integrity.

Plus Pacific Rim and Pacific Northwest headlines. 

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thePodcast: Will Qualtrough's Future of Sport in Canada Commission save Canadian sport?