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Tuesday / February 11.
  • No products in the cart. Podcast: South Korea’s Winter Olympics over, China next and then what? Podcast: South Korea’s Winter Olympics over, China next and then what?

The PyeongChang 2018 Winter Olympics are over. So where does the International Olympic Committee and world sport go from here?

The easy answer is Beijing 2022. Chinese leader Xi Jinping appeared in a recorded greeting played during the closing ceremony of the South Korean Games. But it’s more complicated than that. 

Few cities want the Winter or Summer Games because of the out-of-control costs, questionable legacies, deterioration of human rights and the stench of corruption that seems to follow the five-ring circus everywhere it goes. 

On this edition of Podcast, host Bob Mackin interviews Jules Boykoff, a political science professor at Pacific University in Oregon and the author of three books about the Olympics. His most-recent is Power Games: A Political History of the Olympics, published in 2016. Boykoff analyzes the International Olympic Committee’s dilemma and offers advice to citizens of Calgary, the 1988 host that is pondering a bid for the 2026 Winter Games.

Listen to Podcast to learn how you can get your very own copy of Mackin’s Red Mittens & Red Ink: The Vancouver Olympics e-book for free. 

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