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Thursday / September 12.
  • No products in the cart. Podcast: “Are we happy with the city as it has evolved over the last decade?” Podcast: “Are we happy with the city as it has evolved over the last decade?”

The Non-Partisan Association, Vancouver’s oldest political party, has finally settled on a city council slate.

Six newcomers were chosen behind closed doors by the party board and mayoral hopeful Ken Sim. 

Among them is Colleen Hardwick, a former Hollywood North film producer who founded, a digital platform to consult citizens.

She is putting her name forward for the second time, in the ultimate civic consultation: the October 20 Vancouver election. Hardwick fell 3,310 votes short of winning a seat on council for the NPA in 2005. 

You might say it is in her genes. Hardwick is the daughter of Walter Hardwick, the late University of B.C. geography professor and 1969 to 1974 city councillor with TEAM. 

In an interview with host Bob Mackin, she said the next government at 12th and Cambie needs to press pause and review where the city is, both  financially and socially. City hall needs to go back to basics and focus on its chief responsibilities, land use and taxation of the 115 square kilometres that lie west of Boundary Road.  

“Are we happy with the city as it has evolved over the last decade?” she asked. “You talk to the people who are lifelong Vancouverites, they feel they are not at home in their own hometown anymore. Simliarly, you talk to people that are new to the city, they feel alienated and disconnected.” 

Listen to the entire interview, the first of several with candidates from across the spectrum. 

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