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  • No products in the cart. Podcast: New mandate for New Democrats in a pandemic Podcast: New mandate for New Democrats in a pandemic

For the week of Oct. 25, 2020

Join host Bob Mackin for a special edition on the aftermath of British Columbia’s Coronavirus Pandemic State of Emergency Snap Election 2020.

Hear from the party leaders on election night. Hear from roundtable guests Kash Heed, Mike Klassen Aziz Rajwani and Alex G. Tsakumis. How did it happen and why? What next for the NDP government and opposition BC Liberals?

Highlights from the most unusual campaign.

And hear from Duff Conacher of Democracy Watch explain why he has joined with Wayne Crookes of IntegrityBC to challenge the legality of John Horgan’s snap election call.

Didn’t B.C. have a fixed elections date law? Didn’t the NDP promise the Greens they wouldn’t go to voters without a confidence vote in the Legislature first? 

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