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Bob Mackin

Vancouver city hall finances are in freefall because of the coronavirus crisis, but they pushed the “UP” button at 12th and Cambie on a plan to revamp Mayor Kennedy Stewart’s private elevator.

Plans to carry on with tendering came the same day that city council declared a state of emergency, amid rampant fear of both the disease and economic ruin.

Vancouver city hall (Mackin)

A March 19 notice on the civic procurement website reminded bidders for the “city hall mayor’s office elevator modernization” contract that the deadline is March 31 at 3 p.m. Applicants must now contact city hall by email to arrange a delivery appointment, because the city hall campus is open for appointments only during the state of emergency.

The March 3-issued tender notice says the elevator cab still retains its “superb ornate brass features and rich art deco panels along with the original cabin operating panels and hall call fixtures at each level.” Work will include replacing elevating device drive equipment, replacing heritage fixtures with suitable reproductions and bringing the elevator up to current building codes. The budget is not mentioned in the documents.

During a March 20 conference call with reporters, tried to ask Mayor Kennedy Stewart about the budget for the job and why it is proceeding at this time. However, city manager Sadhu Johnston took over the microphone and did not directly address the elevator tendering.

“What we’ve been trying to do as an organization is to continue moving the business forward of the organization while we address and maintain the critical services,” Johnston said.

He said staffers are being encouraged to work from home or cease activities.

“Up to now we’ve been trying to keep as much going as we can. And we’re going to be shifting next week to less of that activity,” Johnston said.

Mayor Kennedy Stewart (Mackin)

An attempt to ask a follow-up question, about the optics of proceeding while city services have been cut to bare minimum, was cut-off. (SCROLL DOWN AND LISTEN TO AUDIO)

UPDATE: On March 24, city hall informed bidders that the deadline has been postponed until April 28. But bureaucrats have scheduled a mandatory information meeting for bidders to attend on March 31. 

By email, Stewart’s chief of staff Neil Monckton said the elevator services seven floors and is also used by staff, councillors and the city clerk. He referred questions about the budget to the communications department, which did not immediately respond. 

Stewart has acknowledged that the coronavirus epidemic could be ruinous for the local economy and that he would be seeking aid from senior governments. On March 20, he announced property tax payments are delayed 60 days and the Vancouver Economic Commission is striking a task force to rescue the city’s economy, which has ground to a halt. He also ordered all restaurants to stop offering dine-in, table service at midnight or face prosecution. He urged Vancouverites to stay home or stay away from each other by a metre or more, but did not dismiss the possibility of ordering a California-style mass-quarantine.

CLICK AND LISTEN to Bob Mackin’s question about the Mayor’s Office Elevator Modernization

Vancouver city hall was built in 1936 and declared a heritage building in 1976. The elevator was temporarily out of service in July 2018, according to a memo from the city manager to the mayor and council at the time. The motor had to be removed and sent to a service shop for repairs.

A 2019 report included in the tendering package said there is lead-based paint on the door and walls of the mayor’s elevator and on machine equipment. The only asbestos found was in the elevator machine room’s plaster ceiling, but not the elevator itself.

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Bob Mackin Vancouver city hall finances are in

Bob Mackin

MoveUp, the union representing ICBC workers, is urging the public to self-isolate and avoid unnecessary interactions with service workers after a March 19 incident at the ICBC driver licensing office in Richmond.

Lansdowne Centre (Colliers Canada) learned that RCMP officers were called to deal with a client wearing a surgical mask. Staff witnessed the man coughing and sneezing, and believed the man was exhibiting symptoms of coronavirus, so they asked him to leave. But he refused, according to a source.

Richmond RCMP spokesman Cpl. Dennis Hwang said the incident happened shortly after 9 a.m.

“The man was located, identified as a 31-year old from Nanaimo, and left voluntarily on foot,” Hwang said by email. “He was not permitted to drive. The man was believed to be attending for legitimate business.”

In an interview, MoveUp vice-president Annette Toth said people need to think of others, have patience and ask themselves whether they really need to visit ICBC right now.

“Does my 16-year-old need to get their learner’s licence now? Can they wait a couple weeks?” Toth said. “The non-essential ones, the ones that don’t have to be looked after now, please stay home, please wait. Please give us time so we can handle and deal with the people that need to be looked after.”

MoveUp is aware of people directed to self-isolate upon return from international trips to high-risk countries who have provided false information to ICBC staff members in order to receive service.

“Our staff and all the citizens are hoping people will be honest and forthright, that is putting other peoples lives in jeopardy by not being truthful,” she said. “Everywhere, people need to take this seriously and recognize that they need to be home when they come back from another country and need to self-isolate.”

All road tests are suspended for at least two weeks, without cancellation fees. Toth said ICBC is continuing to receive 5,000 visits a day at driver licensing offices across the province and talks are underway about more ways to lighten the load. 

In a prepared statement, ICBC said it is following recommendations from the Provincial Health Officer to limit transmission of the virus. Every customer that visits is supposed to be asked coronavirus screening questions. If they answer yes to any of the questions, they are asked to return at a later date. Access is limited to waiting areas, to ensure social distancing. 

MoveUp has 12,000 members, mainly in B.C., also including staff at BC Hydro and FortisBC.

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Bob Mackin MoveUp, the union representing ICBC

Bob Mackin

British Columbia is under state of emergency for at least the next two weeks and leisure travel to the United States is banned indefinitely because of the novel coronavirus pandemic.

Solicitor General Mike Farnworth invoked B.C.’s Emergency Program Act on March 18, four hours after Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and President Donald Trump announced the border would remain open for essential services and goods shipments only.

Mike Farnworth

While Farnworth’s move could bring relief from panic-buying, hoarding and profiteering from basic goods, like toilet paper, cleaning supplies and meat, the law also gives police extraordinary power to control travel inside B.C. and enter a building without a warrant. The law was declared the same day that the Provincial Court on the Downtown Eastside and the B.C. Supreme Court both shut down indefinitely for fear of infection from the Wuhan coronavirus.

Meanwhile, Provincial Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry’s March 17-declared public health emergency also means temporary erosion of British Columbians’ right to know.

Information and Privacy Commissioner Michael McEvoy announced March 18 that he is allowing the provincial government, agencies, Crown corporations and municipal governments to take an extra 30 business days to answer freedom of information requests received by April 30. That means it could take up three months, plus weekends and holidays, to receive documents. The decision is retroactive to March 1 and McEvoy left the door open for public bodies to ask for even more time to reply. 

McEvoy said a large number of public bodies asked for assistance, but they do have to provide him a list by June 30 of every request for which the additional extension was invoked.

“It is clear that the situation has affected their operations and it is likely to continue to do so for some time,” McEvoy said by email. “I take notice of the fact that this interferes with public bodies’ ability to respond to requests for access to records within the time required under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. This extraordinary and unforeseeable situation will be monitored on an ongoing basis in case circumstances warrant this decision being revisited.”

The decision is understandable, but concerning, said the executive director of the B.C. Freedom of Information and Privacy Association.

B.C. Information and Privacy Commissioner Michael McEvoy (Mackin)

“We will be watching this closely,” said Jason Woywada by email. “While the pandemic will give rise to reasonable challenges related to the timely processing of FOI requests, it is vital that the public’s right to know not be compromised.”

Woywada said if ever there was time for extensive public interest disclosure and fulsome transparency, it is now. The law contains a public interest override clause that states a public body must, without delay, disclose information that is about a risk of significant harm to the health or safety of the public or a group of people.

“Clear and comprehensive transparency from government bodies will help to counteract precisely the kinds of mis-, dis- and mal- information that circulate in a vacuum during an emergency of this magnitude,” Woywada said.

The decision by McEvoy does not preclude making requests nor does it mean a request can be dismissed out of hand, he added. 

McEvoy said he believes public bodies are aware of their responsibility to adhere to the public interest override section of the law and it does not need further elaboration.

“It is up to public bodies to exercise discretion with respect to proactive disclosure,” McEvoy said. “It is fair to say, based on media reports, that public bodies are struggling to do their best to get important information to the public while grappling with responding to the public health emergency in other ways.”

Woywoda is also concerned about the security of information, with many government workers taking their work home to continue their jobs.

“Beyond the impacts to FOI with this extension, we are concerned about how shifts to increased use of personal devices and remote work may impact the production and preservation of records (ie a duty to document concern) within public bodies,” he said.

McEvoy released a one-page tip sheet for public bodies and organizations setting-up remote workspaces in the wake of the pandemic.

He recommended protecting mobile devices and passwords; encrypting and password-protecting portable hard drives and USBs; keeping software updated; using work emails, not personal accounts; and only removing personal information from the office if necessary.

“General rules of thumb: Avoid viewing personal information collected and used for work in public. If you must, take precautions to make sure no one else can view the personal information,” McEvoy wrote.

On March 18, Henry announced another 45 cases in British Columbia, bringing the total to 231. Seven people have died, while five have fully recovered.

Henry and Health Minister Adrian Dix provided a breakdown of cases by health authority, but did not disclose whether the new cases are the result of foreign travel or community transmission. Unlike other jurisdictions, the government’s coronavirus website does not provide an anonymized, case-by-case analysis.

That inspired a question from a radio reporter in B.C.’s interior on Dix and Henry’s teleconference.

“Our listeners are telling us daily that Northern Health and Interior Health are too vague when it comes to releasing numbers of cases, they say it’s causing rumours to spread around communities,” the reporter said. “Other provinces, like Ontario, are more specific.”

Dr. Bonnie Henry (left) and Health Minister Adrian Dix on March 6. (Mackin)

Said Henry: “It’s partly privacy, but it’s partly because we need everybody to be aware that the risk is not just in one place, it’s not just them and over there, it’s in your community too and you need to be taking these measures now everywhere in B.C., and across Canada, and, quite frankly, globally, now because this is being transmitted rapidly.”

By comparison, Ontario publishes a daily list of new confirmed positive cases, each with a case number, the sex and approximate age of the patient, name of public health unit, method of transmission (ie. community, travel country or continent, or close contact) and patient status (ie. self-isolating).

Washington State publishes a daily, county-by-county list of positive/confirmed cases and deaths and confirmed cases by age bracket and sex.

The Ontario and Washington governments both release more information than B.C., while successfully the confidentiality of patients.

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Bob Mackin British Columbia is under state of

Bob Mackin

A Chinese citizen wanted by the United States on money laundering charges was arrested en route to Mexico, where he planned to reunite with his wife and children after coronavirus kept them apart.

But then he was quarantined in a Vancouver-area jail while waiting to go before an immigration adjudicator.

Vancouver International Airport control tower (YVR)

A Canadian border guard’s statement, obtained by, said Long Huanxin, 32, was detained Feb. 5 at Vancouver International Airport. The Department of Homeland Security told Canada Border Services Agency a day earlier that a four-count bench warrant for Long’s arrest had been issued March 8, 2019 from the District Court for the Northern District of Illinois Eastern Division in Chicago.

After witnessing his wife give birth to their second child late last November in Taiwan, Long, who also goes by Kevin, returned to Guangdong to visit his mother. When the Wuhan coronavirus spread from Hubei to other Chinese provinces, Taiwan banned entry for travellers from Guangdong. Since Long has both permanent resident status and business holdings in Mexico, he arranged to travel there to be with his family again.

Long travelled from Guangzhou on China Southern flight CZ-329 to Vancouver and presented himself at 9:50 a.m. on Feb. 5 to a border agent at YVR. He was diverted to secondary screening. Different CBSA officers interrogated him on Feb. 5 and 6 and searched his Huawei smartphone before transferring him to North Fraser Pre-Trial Centre in Port Coquitlam.

Then another coronavirus complication.

Long’s originally scheduled Feb. 7 detention review hearing at the Immigration and Refugee Board was delayed until Feb. 11. Long was quarantined because he had arrived from China.

China Southern Airlines flies Guangzhou to Vancouver (CS Air)

“There have been issues regarding Mr. Long as a result of the protocol that’s been put in place by North Fraser Pre-Trial Centre,” CBSA hearings officer Ryan Friesen told an IRB adjudicator at the Feb. 11 hearing. “The Minister acknowledges that Mr. Long is asymptomatic. It’s not a question of whether or not he is suspected to be ill with coronavirus, but rather the precautions that are being taken by the Correction Centre itself, which are, again, outside the Minister’s control.”

The IRB was told that the U.S. alleges Long had been contracted to arrange for the collection of narcotic proceeds in various U.S. cities and was also responsible for the repatriation of those illicit funds to various transnational cartels in Mexico. contacted Nicole Navas Oxman of the U.S. Department of Justice, but she declined comment.

There was yet another coronavirus-related delay in the case.

An RCMP liaison officer based in China, who was supposed to help gain more information on Long, was seconded to CFB Trenton Ontario for the operation to evacuate and quarantine Canadians from Wuhan.

At the IRB hearing, Long’s lawyer, Vanessa De Jong, called her client’s detention unjustified and said he never intended to remain in Canada.

Federal Court in Chicago (U.S. District Court)

De Jong told the IRB that Long holds a degree in international trade and economy from Guangdong University of Technology and he has no criminal record. Long is purchasing manager for a business owned by his parents-in-law that imports toys and clocks from Guangdong and sells from a warehouse in Mexico.

He had previously invested in the Mexican hotels, restaurants and karaoke bars company called Domi, but sold those investments. He had also invested in bitcoin, but cashed-out because of the cryptocurrency’s volatility, De Jong said.

“All of the evidence before you today points to Mr. Long being involved in completely lawful business,” De Jong said. “And given that any evidence that may say otherwise is under seal, and even if you do find that the CBSA do — do have reasonable grounds to suspect Mr. Long is involved in organized criminality, which, of course, we say that they do not, we submit that the Minister has not demonstrated that there are any steps available to them to inquire into the suspicion.”

IRB ordered Long to remain in custody. He was arrested Feb. 14 on a provisional warrant seeking his extradition to the U.S. and made short appearances in B.C. Supreme Court via video link on Feb. 26 and March 11. His next date is March 25.

Domi Group’s Mexico City karaoke bar (Facebook)

There are some coincidences between Long’s case and that of Meng Wenzhou, the Huawei executive arrested Dec. 1, 2018 at Vancouver International Airport on a fraud warrant issued by a court in New York.

Like Meng, Long planned to switch flights at YVR to Mexico. Long had worked for another Shenzhen-based Chinese tech company, CK Telecom and had moved in 2012 to Mexico to set-up a supply chain. Meng’s husband, Liu “Carlos’ Xiaozong, is a former Huawei regional manager for Mexico.

Like Meng, Long provided the password for his cell phone to Canadian authorities. In his case, evidence was extracted from his phone and WeChat account about his business deals.

Meng, however, is free on $10 million bail, resides under a nightly curfew at a Shaughnessy mansion near the U.S. consulate compound, has bodyguards who have worked at the nearby Chinese consulate, and wears a surveillance anklet to prevent her from fleeing Vancouver.

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Bob Mackin A Chinese citizen wanted by

Bob Mackin

Imagine being the mayor of a big city who declared an emergency, but there was no imminent risk of harm to citizens in his jurisdiction.

Then, more than a year later, a real, deadly emergency comes along and the economy suddenly screeches to a halt. The mayor dithers and refuses to push the alarm button.

Mayor Kennedy Stewart (Mackin)

That is Vancouver Mayor Kennedy Stewart’s dilemma.

The October 2018-elected city council under Stewart moved in January 2019 to declare a climate change emergency. But no meeting with top officials or live, televised news conference followed. Stewart went about his business for a couple of days and then took the weekend off. It was an emergency in name only. 

Now, the week after the World Health Organization declared the novel coronavirus from Wuhan, China a global pandemic, Stewart is dithering.

“We base our choices on the needs, based on science and the best public information we have,” Stewart said at a March 16 news conference in city hall. “At this point, we don’t see a need operationally to declare a state of emergency. You can imagine a number of things happen when you do that. But if we did do it, it would really centralize power in the city, allowing us to take extraordinary measures, like, for example, procure hotel space, to deliver clothing, to deliver food, to disperse groups of people, so it really is the top level we can go to.”

For the time being, Stewart will not follow the lead of Calgary Mayor Naheed Nenshi, who declared a coronavirus emergency on March 15.

“I’m ready to do it, if we think we need to do it,” Stewart said.

What Stewart did do on March 16 was announce the citywide, temporary shutdown of community centres, swimming pools, hockey rinks, libraries and by-admission gardens. Vancouver joined Surrey, Delta and West Vancouver in closing recreation and library facilities. All fear they may not be able to maintain core, essential service levels, if staff become ill.

City manager Sadhu Johnston was absent from the news conference, but city hall communications told that he was healthy.

Stewart said he was in the early stages of talking with senior governments and area mayors about economic stimulus programs and tax breaks to cushion the blow for the economy.

On the eve of St. Patrick’s Day, Stewart said Vancouverites should think twice before going out and stay a metre away from others if they have to. Restaurants and bars, he said, should reduce their capacity to make more space between tables.

Stewart, who is also the police board chair, was asked how the city would monitor establishments, to make sure they do not allow more than 50 people inside. The city has business licence inspectors, but it they were not being mobilized to conduct spot checks. 

“We’re not policing right now, we’re very proud with the way the city has reacted to this point,” Stewart said.

Stewart’s tune changed suddenly in late afternoon.

He told Lynda Steele on CKNW that he had spoken to Police Chief Adam Palmer after Vancouver Coastal Health medical officer Dr. Patty Daly issued an order to close downtown core bars and restaurants on St. Patrick’s Day. Stewart recommended enjoying the taste of Guinness and the sound of the Pogues at home instead.

Dr. Bonnie Henry (left), Premier John Horgan and Health Minister Adrian Dix (Mackin)

The 50-person limit comes from Provincial Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry’s formal order, a “notice to owners, occupiers, and operators of places at which large numbers of people gather,” which reduced the public gatherings limit from the 250 attendees cap she set late last week.

That means you cannot invite 50 friends to a St. Patrick’s Day hooley, Easter egg hunt in April or a Cinco de Mayo fiesta in May.

Henry’s order lasts until the end of May. She has the option to extend it into June or reduce the ceiling further.

Henry’s order includes a lengthy, broad list of venues. Such as casinos, which were ordered to fold their cards at 11:59 a.m. March 16, 12 hours after Great Canadian Gaming shut its B.C. gambling venues.

The wording of Henry’s order against public gatherings means city hall and the park board should finally clear Oppenheimer Park’s tent city, if more than 50 people are on the park. A problem would be finding shelter for park dwellers, as the city transitions into spring with double digit daytime temperatures and freezing overnight temperatures in the short-term weather forecast.

Three more deaths

The latest province-wide stats released March 16 said B.C. had 30 new cases in the Vancouver Coastal, Fraser and Interior health regions, for a total 103.

Four deaths from Lynn Valley Care Centre in North Vancouver, including three over the weekend. Six people are in acute care, but five have fully recovered and the rest are self-isolating at home.

Lions Gate Hospital, where three people in the administration department tested positive, will only accept emergency patients. The government is cancelling thousands of surgeries province-wide, recalling recently retired doctors and nurses. It is also reducing court operations, by postponing jury selection and delaying cases that are not urgent between now and the end of May.

Lynn Valley Care Centre (Mackin)

Henry revealed that at least four cases stem from the Pacific Dental Conference, held March 5-7 at the Vancouver Convention Centre.

Henry said more than one person at the conference had the virus and was passing it to others. Cases have been identified from that conference in other provinces across Canada. She said everybody who attended has been notified that they need to stay home. If she had her way, the conference would never have happened.

“It was at a time when I was advising that medical conferences, in particular, should not be held,” she said.

But a statement from the organizer, the B.C. Dental Association, said that the Provincial Health Services Agency was consulted more than a week before the event and Dr. David Patrick from the B.C. Centre for Disease Control was a speaker at the conference.

“At no time was the PDC asked by any public health representatives to halt the conference,” said the prepared statement attributed to president James Singer.

Henry, Health Minister Adrian Dix, Premier John Horgan and at least two deputy ministers attended a news conference on March 6 in the adjoining Pan Pacific Hotel, which shares doors, escalators, elevators and washrooms with the Vancouver Convention Centre at Canada Place. The Vancouver cabinet office is in the complex’s World Trade Centre.

Meanwhile, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau ordered that Canada’s borders be restricted to Canadian citizens, permanent residents, diplomats, flight crews and American citizens. Trudeau called upon Canadians to stay home. For those Canadians outside the country, he urged them to come home, before mass-cancellation of flights.

Dix was disappointed border access was not restricted further.

“We remain concerned that access for visitors from the U.S. continues to be allowed, given the situation particularly in King and Snohomish county in Washington State, which affects B.C. more than anyone else,” Dix said. “It’s our strong view, and our strong message, that visitors from the U.S., don’t come.”

Coronavirus cases in Washington have exceeded the 900 mark, including 48 deaths. 

Laurie Trautman, director of the Border Policy Research Institute at Western Washington University in Bellingham, said southbound car volume at the border dropped 33% in the first half of March, on a year-over-year basis.

Canada and the U.S. do about $1 billion a day in cross-border trade. U.S. government figures for 2019 show 3.9 million vehicles crossed at Blaine carrying 7.7 million passengers. Nearly 370,000 trucks and 303,000 full containers also crossed the 49th parallel.

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Bob Mackin Imagine being the mayor of a

After the World Health Organization declared the coronavirus from Wuhan, China, a global pandemic, came the cavalcade of cancellations and the pandemic of postponements. A desperate effort to curtail public events, to stop the spread of the disease.

It means the biggest time out in sports history.

Sports economist Victor Matheson in Vancouver, June 28, 2018 (Mackin) Podcast called upon Victor Matheson, a professor at the College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, Mass. who is one of the world’s top experts on the economics of sports and mega-events. His research has found spectator sports deliver less to the economy than boosters claim, because of what is called the substitution effect.

“In this case, it’s likely to be a much larger impact that we’re feeling on the local economy around Vancouver and other places in the country, because there isn’t going to be people who don’t go to a Whitecaps game, don’t go to a Canucks game, who then instead spend the money elsewhere,” Matheson told Podcast host Bob Mackin. “Because people aren’t going out to dinner, they’re not going to the theatre, they’re not going to other entertainment events. Any money not spent in professional sports, it’s not getting spent elsewhere in the local economy. It’s just not getting spent at all.” 

The impact will be immediately felt by the hourly workers who operate, maintain and clean sports venues and those who work for area hotels and restaurants frequented by fans, teams and media. Major leagues that have suffered strikes or lockouts should be resilient again. Not so much for minor leagues, women’s leagues and startups. There are also major ramifications for broadcasters and advertisers, who were banking on the races for NHL and NBA playoff spots (postponed), the NCAA basketball’s Final Four (cancelled) and golf’s marquee tournament, The Masters (postponed).

The biggest question revolves around whether the Tokyo 2020 Olympics are rescheduled or cancelled. For now, the Japanese government and the International Olympic Committee say the show will go on, as scheduled, on July 24.

Whistler Village (Whistler Blackcomb)

“Tokyo has about 25 billion reasons to want to make sure the Olympics goes through in some sort of way,” Matheson said. “Because that’s about what they’ve spent preparing for the Olympics.”

Listen to the full interview with Matheson on this edition.

Also, more on the shocking March 14 announcement from Vail Resorts Inc. that it would close Whistler Blackcomb and its 36 other resorts until March 22, at least.

Vail acquired 75% of Whistler Blackcomb Holdings in 2016 for $1.4 billion and the 2010 Winter Olympics host resort is the jewel in its portfolio. It suffered a poor start, with little December snow and disappointing international visitation numbers in January. Now the coronavirus shock to the global tourism industry.

Listen to what Vail Chair and CEO Robert Katz said when asked March 9 on a call with stock analysts whether he anticipated closing resorts during the lucrative spring break/Easter period.

Plus commentaries and Pacific Rim and Pacific Northwest headlines. 

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After the World Health Organization declared the

Bob Mackin

Just over a year after he was arrested in San Jose, David Sidoo is scheduled to go before a judge in Boston to plead guilty to his role in the college admissions scandal.

David Sidoo accepting the Order of B.C. from Premier Christy Clark and Lt. Gov. Judith Guichon in 2016 (BC Gov)

The former Canadian Football League star, who became a wealthy oil, gas and mining investor, faced up to 20 years in jail and was tentatively scheduled for trial next January.

But filings released March 11 from the Federal Court in Boston show that Sidoo agreed with prosecutors on Feb. 6 to plead guilty to one count of conspiracy to commit wire and mail fraud. The plea bargain, if the judge accepts it, means Sidoo could face only 90 days in prison, pay a $250,000 fine and be under 12 months of supervised release.

Sidoo was released on a $1 million bond last March and pleaded not guilty to mail and wire fraud and money laundering charges. He will appear in court in Boston on March 13, according to a statement from his three lawyers.

“His desire is to seek finality to the process,” read the March 11 statement from Martin Weinberg, David Chesnoff and Richard Schonfield.

Sidoo did not immediately respond to’ phone calls to his $31.7 million Point Grey mansion or his mobile phone.

Sidoo was accused of arranging to pay consultant Rick Singer more than $200,000 for Harvard-educated tennis coach Mark Riddell to write college entrance exams for sons Dylan and Jordan Sidoo, neither of whom are charged.

Dylan Sidoo used the results from the Riddell-written test to enter Chapman University in California, but later transferred to the University of Southern California where he graduated from the film school. Jordan Sidoo entered University of California Berkeley and graduated with a history and political economy degree. Jordan Sidoo briefly worked for the Vancouver Whitecaps early last year. The brothers are two of the three founders of Inc., which markets the Vanish encrypted messaging app.

Dylan (left), David and Jordan Sidoo

Riddell pleaded guilty in April 2019 to fraud and money laundering in the scheme hatched by mastermind Singer, who admitted that he “created a side door that would guarantee families would get in” for a steep price. Singer’s methods involved faking athletic credentials and cheating on entrance exams. Payments were arranged through a charitable foundation that Singer ran.

Prosecutors alleged Riddell traveled from Tampa, Fla. to Vancouver and used false identification to pose as Dylan Sidoo to write an SAT [Scholastic Aptitude Test] test on Dec. 3, 2011 at a venue that has not been disclosed. Riddell allegedly traveled to Vancouver again, to write a test on June 9, 2012 that is described in the indictment as a “Canadian high school graduation exam.” The venue for that exam remains undisclosed.

Prosecutors supplied copies of evidence to Sidoo and his legal team in late April 2019. There was so much evidence, that it came on a hard drive and DVD. At the time, Chesnoff said Sidoo’s legal team was examining the evidence in order to “present facts about the credibility of Mr. Singer.”

Last October, a new version of the indictment against David Sidoo said that Singer drafted a false application essay in 2013 that claimed Jordan Sidoo worked as an intern with an anti-gang violence organization in Los Angeles.

The October 2013 essay falsely claimed that Jordan Sidoo had been held up at gunpoint by gang members in Los Angeles. After Singer emailed a draft to David Sidoo, he wrote back to Singer with minor changes.

“Can we lessen the interaction with the gangs. Guns …? That’s scary stuff. Your call you know what they look for,” David Sidoo wrote.

The essay, without the reference to guns, was later submitted as part of Sidoo’s younger son’s application for admission to multiple universities.

The indictment also alleged that Sidoo asked Singer if Riddell could take either the Graduate Management Admission Test or Law School Admission Test on behalf of Dylan Sidoo. Riddell agreed to pay Singer and Singer agreed to pay Riddell $100,000. But the plan went awry.

David Sidoo (left) and Justin Trudeau in 2016 (PMO)

“Singer and Riddell researched the security measures in place for both exams. On or about April 28, 2015, Singer told Sidoo that their plan to have Riddell take the LSAT in place of Sidoo’s son was ‘[n]ot happening due to fingerprinting’ requirements on the exam,” the indictment said.

In mid-December 2016, according to the indictment, Riddell wired $520 through Western Union to China to buy fraudulent drivers’ licences so he could pose as Dylan Sidoo for the GMAT. Riddell ultimately decided not to take the exam, because the fake ID was “not of high quality.”

In an email last October, Chesnoff dismissed the contents of that updated indictment. 

“These are mere allegations from the mouths of admitted fraudsters. Mr. Sidoo looks forward to his day in court,” Chesnoff said.  

Now Sidoo will go to court to plead guilty and receive a relatively light penalty.

The UBC football star who became a UBC booster, and later a BC Liberal-appointed member of the UBC board of governors, is bound to suffer, reputation-wise. He was caught paying a high price so that his sons could go to universities other than UBC, which is only a short drive from the family mansion. His sons’ California diplomas are tarnished and could be subject to revocation.

David Sidoo could be stripped of his 2016 Order of British Columbia and his name could disappear almost entirely from Thunderbird Stadium, where he donated money to upgrade the facility and help the UBC team win the Vanier Cup in 2015. Sidoo was a star defensive back on the 1982 Vanier Cup-winning UBC team.

Sidoo was the first person from British Columbia to be charged, but will be the second to plead guilty. A Surrey woman who is a Chinese citizen will be sentenced May 19.

Xiaoning Sui, 48, is expected to be sentenced to time already served in a Spanish jail after her plea bargain. She admitted guilt Feb. 21, paid a $250,000 bond to the court, was ordered to provide a DNA sample and restricted to travel within the U.S. and Canada only.

Sui was arrested in Spain last summer after paying a $400,000 bribe to have her tennis-playing son recruited to the University of California Los Angeles soccer team so that he could study there. He had no prior competitive soccer experience, but was falsely billed as a top player on two private teams in Canada.

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Bob Mackin Just over a year after he

It was a week that felt like a month in provincial politics. And it is all on this week’s edition of Podcast

The Legislative Assembly voted to make Kate Ryan-Lloyd the clerk. Craig James’s former deputy filled the role since James was suspended in November 2018. James retired in disgrace last May, rather than face firing for misconduct, and is under RCMP investigation for corruption. A committee struck to replace James said it received only eight applications after widely advertising one of the highest-paid jobs of its type. 

Finance minister Carole James revealed she has
Parkinson’s disease on March 5 (Mackin)

Coronavirus became a bigger concern for the NDP government, after Washington State’s governor declared a state of emergency. Premier John Horgan struck a cabinet subcommittee and deputy ministers’ committee.

Finance minister Carole James (no relation to Craig James) revealed she had been diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease and would not run in the next election; teary-eyed political friends and foes united to offer the longtime James Bay MLA support. 

And Victoria Police officers were called to remove five protesters who refused to leave the Parliament Buildings after meeting with NDP indigenous relations minister Scott Fraser.

With one day left before the Legislative Assembly’s two-week March break, Fraser agreed to meet protesters who had been occupying the front steps, driveway and lawn of the Parliament Buildings. He was joined by interim Green Party leader Adam Olsen. The protesters pledged to leave the building, whatever the outcome. 

They had been continuing their occupation in support of the Wet’suwet’en Hereditary Chiefs, even after the federal and B.C. governments agreed to fast-track a rights and title deal. The Coastal GasLink pipeline at the centre of the Wet’suwet’en dispute was not resolved in the Smithers talks, so that inspired the group Fraser and Olsen met to stage a sit-in.


“My hope was to convince them to give space to the Wet’suwet’en people as they consider the agreement and to end the protest,” Fraser told Question Period on March 5. “I’m deeply disappointed, obviously, that they broke their word.”

Protester Ta’kaiya Blaney on March 4 outside the Parliament Buildings (Mackin)

Alan Mullen, chief of staff to Speaker Darryl Plecas, told Podcast host Bob Mackin that it was a bold move by Fraser, “to have that meeting in good faith is such an olive branch.”

Said Olsen in an interview with Mackin: “What they were demanding was something that government was definitely not, and has been very consistent on, not willing to do. Which is have CGL leave the territory.”

Sergeant-at-Arms Greg Nelson failed to negotiate the protesters’ exit. Finally, more than five hours after the meeting ended, Victoria Police officers arrested the five for mischief and carried them out of the building. But not without protesters surrounding police vehicles. 

The protesters eventually extinguished their fires and took down their tents the next morning and left. The Legislature reopened to public tours. A temporary fence was erected on the steps to the ceremonial entry, to discourage another protest.

Police enter the Parliament Buildings on March 5 (Mackin)

Mullen said the Legislative Assembly welcomes peaceful protest on the grounds, but campfires and tents will no longer be tolerated. 

“We’ve shown a great deal of restraint and leniency,” Mullen told Mackin. “But time and time again, when those olive branches are extended, whether it be by the Legislature, the Speaker’s office, or a minister of the Crown, and those olive branches are essentially put in the wood splitter, I think it’s time to dial it back.”

On this edition of Podcast, hear from Fraser, Olsen, Mullen and some of the protesters in a special feature about how the Shut Down Canada-affiliated protest climaxed and dissipated.

Also, clips of Horgan and James. Plus commentaries and Pacific Rim and Pacific Northwest headlines.

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It was a week that felt like

Bob Mackin (with files from Ben Miljure of CTV News Vancouver)

Some of the seeds were sown at an Ottawa conference in February 2019 for the wave of 2020 protests that have blocked streets, bridges, railways, ports and government offices across Canada.


PowerShift: Young and Rising was the five-day meeting that brought millennial climate change campaigners together with indigenous rights activists to discuss building a movement against capitalism and colonialism, and to learn civil disobedience methods, including blockades. The goal: to stop oil and gas pipeline expansion.

Kanahus Manuel, of the Secwepemc Nation in British Columbia’s interior, was a keynote speaker on the opening night of the conference on Feb. 14, 2019 and delivered a prophetic message.

“Native people could shut this whole country down because all the transportation corridors go through our reserves and territories,” Manuel said in a video that was Tweeted by Canada on the first anniversary. “The pipelines are transportation, it’s always been about these transportation corridors to get stolen goods off our lands, from point A to point B.”

The next day, an upside down Canada flag, with “Shut Down Canada” scrawled upon it, was draped over the head table during PowerShift panel discussions at an Ottawa church.

The event was already scheduled before the RCMP raided a long-standing blockade on Wet’suwet’en Territory in early January 2019, to allow Coastal GasLink to build the $6.2 billion pipeline that is supposed to feed the massive LNG Canada plant in Kitimat by 2025.

The RCMP’s enforcement of a new court order in 2020 sparked the unprecedented wave of protests nationwide, in urban and rural areas, under the hashtag #ShutDownCanada.

Federal and B.C. ministers reached an agreement with the hereditary chiefs to resolve a long-standing land title dispute on the weekend. The hereditary chiefs’ opposition to the pipeline remains, although the elected Wet’suwet’en council supports the project. On March 4, students at various universities walked out of class and held small-scale protests.


“This particular protest over the LNG pipeline on Wet’suwet’en territory is an opportunity that came up, I don’t think they were planning for this in particular,” said David Tindall, a University of B.C. sociology professor who studies environmental protests.

But they were planning for things around oil and gas pipelines, possibly more stuff around the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion or the oil sands.”

In an interview with CTV News Vancouver reporter Ben Miljure, keynote speaker Manuel said she found PowerShift useful to attend.

“It’s really important to connect with all the young people, the ones that are active on the front lines out there in Canada for our environment, for climate change and for Indigenous sovereignty,” Manuel said. “I went there and met with a lot of amazing organizers and young people from across the country.”

The PowerShift conference program said the non-violent direct action panels would discuss theory and history of social movements of the past, but also prepare for the future.

“It’ll explore tactics like civil disobedience and frontline land defence. Sessions will prepare participants to deploy direct actions by coaching people on action design, legal and security considerations, and more,” the program said. “Tactics explored will include everything from scouting to highly technical actions like blockades and climbing.”

PowerShift 2019 sponsors included non-government organizations such as David Suzuki Foundation, Greenpeace, Wilderness Committee, Sierra Club Canada and Council of Canadians. The Canadian Union of Postal Workers, National Union of Public and General Employees and Unifor were also sponsors. A Unifor representative, who was not authorized to be quoted, confirmed that Canada’s largest private sector union donated $5,000 to the conference. Unifor did not send delegates or participate in discussions at the conference.

From the PowerShift program section on civil disobedience, including how to blockade and resist arrest.

Manuel wasn’t the only participant from B.C. Mary Lovell, now of the Sierra Club, Torrance Coste and Peter McCartney of the Wilderness Committee, No One Is Illegal’s Harsha Walia (now with the B.C. Civil Liberties Association) and Cedar George-Parker of the Tsleil-Waututh Nation were some of the others.

McCartney said in an interview that he attended PowerShift for the fourth time and offered attendees advice on dealing with the media. He downplayed PowerShift 2019’s influence on the events that have unfolded in 2020.

“It’s a conference for activists, some folks came there to learn about media, some folks came there to learn about how to run for election, some folks came there to learn about non violent direct action,” McCartney said. “In terms of links to what we’re seeing now, it just exists in the same space, kind of at the nexus of climate and indigenous rights, that movement is the same.”

McCartney said there was a bigger effort at 2019’s PowerShift to involve indigenous allies than at previous conferences.

One of the main sponsors of PowerShift was the Canadian arm of Washington, D.C.-headquartered Six activists, including Canadian team leader Cam Fenton and digital campaigner Atiya Jaffar, are listed in the program.

A year after PowerShift, Jaffar used social media platforms to promote the blockades at the Port of Vancouver, Deltaport, the Granville Bride and on CP Rail tracks in East Vancouver, as well as the sit-in at David Eby’s riding office in Point Grey.

Fenton was scheduled to conduct a forum at PowerShift on location scouting for protests, but he said by email that it was cancelled.

Fenton declined an interview request, but said he could respond to questions sent by email. provided Fenton with questions about’s sponsorship of PowerShift, its involvement in Shut Down Canada and’s fundraising activities, including a request for the names of its biggest donors and their dollar amounts.

Fenton, on behalf of the organization, declined to answer the questions emailed to him.


In February, Canada’s Twitter account promoted the Shut Down Canada protests with a link to an online map showing each one and it reposted a clip of the climax of Manuel’s speech on the anniversary of PowerShift.’s Our Time campaign team staged a sit-in at the House of Commons, a week after last fall’s federal election, to urge the Canadian government to adopt the Green New Deal. Also in 2019, was one of several groups involved in the Shut Down D.C. protest in the U.S. capital

A decade ago, founder Bill McKibben described as a “scruffy little outfit.” It has grown into a major international force in the movement against climate change. The most-recent annual report, for the year ended Sept. 30, 2018, uses different words, calling a “dynamic and highly collaborative climate change campaign, building a global grassroots movement to solve the climate crisis.”

“To a certain extent they can be seen as the core of the climate change movement, and there’s a number of key 350 organizers, activists that have quite a high profile in a number of protests especially with the Trans Mountain pipeline,” said UBC’s Tindall.

McCartney called “friends of ours” who work together on a lot of campaigns. 

“They have the campaigns they’re coordinating on, and we have the campaigns we’re coordinating on and if we happen to be working on the same thing, then we make sure we know what each other are up to,” he said. grossed more than $19 million in grants and contributions for the year-ended Sept. 30, 2018. Main expenses in that fiscal year were $10.5 million for field organizing, $1.4 million for communications and $1.27 million for digital campaigns. For its activities outside the United States, it reported $527,671 for Canada and Mexico.

Tweets from Atiya Jaffar, a digital campaigner since 2015 with

The website contains a long list of foundations that support the charity, but it does not show any dollar amounts from those donations.

The annual report stated that, as of Sept. 30, 2018, 88% of grants and contributions receivable were due from three donors who were not identified. The names of six major donors, ranging from $450,000 to $4 million, were not disclosed in’s tax filing with the U.S. government.

Pro-industry researcher Vivian Krause and the Canadian Energy Centre, an arm of the conservative Alberta government, have both highlighted’s opacity and its ties to the likes of the Rockefeller Brothers. The Rockefeller Brothers Fund website lists a $200,000 grant to dated Oct. 30, 2019.

Tindall, however, said the issue of foreign funding is irrelevant, because the proponents for major resource projects tend to have foreign investors themselves. The $19 million in donations collected by pales in comparison to the $338.4 billion in 2018 revenue that flowed to Royal Dutch Shell, the biggest partner in the LNG Canada project.

“The industry groups have millions and millions, if not billions, of dollars in foreign funding. Most of the companies operating in the oil sands have foreign funding,” Tindall said.

Some of that money is spent on advertising and public relations targeted at the public, on lobbying politicians and on supporting think tanks. Environmental issues, Tindall said, are international issues that know no borders.

“Way more funding comes from the multinationals [in oil and gas] to try and influence environmental politics in Canada,” Tindall said. 

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Bob Mackin (with files from Ben Miljure

Three days after the Cullen Commission into money laundering wrapped its first phase of public hearings in Vancouver, one of the politicians expected to testify announced he will not run for re-election.

Rich Coleman, the former BC Liberal minister in charge of casinos, was first elected in 1996. He revealed Feb. 29 that he will retire from politics.

Attorney General David Eby included Coleman’s name in a list of people that he hopes will appear before Commissioner Austin Cullen when witnesses are heard from September to December.

Cullen heard opening statements over two-and-a-half days from a range of participants, including casinos, labour, law and non-governmental organizations. One of those was James Cohen of Transparency International Canada, who blamed secrecy for fostering corruption in B.C.’s gambling and real estate sectors.

“There are a number of gaps within Canada’s anti-money laundering law, the proceeds of crime, money laundering and terrorist financing law,” Cohen told Cullen. “But our coalition, as well as many experts and international bodies, agree on a key problem, Canada’s weak beneficial ownership regime.”

Not everyone who owns a secret company is a criminal, Cohen said, but gaps in Canadian laws allow mean true owners with sinister intent to remain anonymous and do significant harm to the economy and communities.

Also hear from Brock University’s Charles Burton and the University of British Columbia’s Paul Evans, who testified before the House of Commons special committee on Canada-China relations.

Burton raised the concern about foreign money from China influencing Canadian political campaigns and recommended a law similar to one enacted in Australia that is aimed at curbing the influence of the Chinese Communist Party. 

Plus commentaries and Pacific Rim and Pacific Northwest headlines.

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Three days after the Cullen Commission into