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Bob Mackin

One of the protesters outside the Law Courts who was urging freedom for Meng Wanzhou on Jan. 20 said he was promised $100.

The man, who refused to provide his name or appear on camera, spoke with documentary filmmaker Ina Mitchell. [Click below to hear exclusive audio.]

Students protested in favour of freeing Meng Wanzhou. (Mackin)

The man said he was told he was going to be in a music video. But he ended up outside the Law Courts on the opening day of the extradition hearing for the chief financial officer of Huawei. He held a letter-size paper sign with “Equal Justice” written on it.

“That was the promise [$100 to be in a music video], and then it was like, when there was all these cameras, for a long time I believed it was filming a scene where someone was coming out of a car,” he said. “So I was genuinely like, OK, fine to do this. Then reporters start showing up and, I don’t feel great about this anymore. I haven’t done anything wrong.”

He said he started asking questions, but was faced with a “merry-go-round of non-answers.”

Outside the Smithe Street entrance, where Meng would arrive with her court-appointed security guards, the group of two-dozen students carried similar signs urging an end to the extradition hearings. Their signs said “Free Ms. Meng. Bring Michael home. Trump stop bullying us. Equal justice.”


Oddly, the signs referred to Meng as “Ms. Meng” and mentioned “Michael,” in the singular.

China arrested two Canadian men named Michael, diplomat Kovrig and businessman Spavor, in apparent retaliation for Meng’s detention in December 2018. They languish in jail in China, cut-off from their families and lawyers. Meanwhile, Meng lives under a curfew as part of her $10 million bail conditions in her Shaughnessy mansion which, coincidentally, is mortgaged by HSBC. The same bank she is accused by the U.S. government of defrauding.

Actress Julia Hackstaff protesting in favour of Meng Wanzhou on Jan. 20 (Mackin) asked some of those who were holding signs who they were, how they were affiliated and whether they were paid. None co-operated. One of the protesters said he was unaware of the extradition treaty between Canada and the U.S. and did not know the facts of the case. Another would not deny that the group was paid to appear outside the courthouse on the rainy Monday morning. 

Keean Bexte of The Rebel News reported that one of the protesters was actress Julia Hackstaff. Her social media accounts show no explicit evidence of prior social activism.

Hackstaff’s IMDB bio credits include an appearance as a cult member in a 2019 video short called Monogamy, directed by Kick Chen.

The message on the signs echoed a Globe and Mail guest commentary last week by Eddie Goldenberg, a lawyer with the Bennett Jones law firm who was the chief of staff to former Liberal Prime Minister Jean Chretien. Chretien is now a lawyer with Dentons, an international law firm with offices throughout China. Goldenberg is the latest Liberal Party member to advocate for the Trudeau Liberal government to set a precedent and meddle in the case.

CLICK BELOW: hear man tell Ina Mitchell that he was tricked into protesting in favour of Meng Wanzhou.

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Bob Mackin One of the protesters outside the

Bob Mackin


It is all about the sanctions, Meng Wanzhou’s lawyers said Jan. 20 in British Columbia Supreme Court.

After a Government of Canada lawyer handed the official extradition application to Associate Chief Justice Heather Holmes, Richard Peck began his arguments aimed at freeing the Huawei chief financial officer. Meng, who was arrested at Vancouver International Airport on Dec. 1, 2018, is wanted in the United States, where she faces charges that she defrauded HSBC in order to get around sanctions on Iran.

Richard Peck (Peck and Co.)

“One way that we could begin is by posing a question,” Peck told Holmes. “And that question is this: Would we be here in the absence of U.S. sanctions law?”

Peck said that the sanctions violation is the essence of the allegation against Meng. She is accused of lying to HSBC in 2013 about the relationship between Huawei and an affiliated company, SkyCom, which operated in Iran. That led the HSBC to clear U.S. dollar transactions through the U.S., putting the bank at risk of violating the U.S. sanctions law.

“In that scenario, HSBC is a victim,” Peck said. “Canadian law no longer has sanctions against Iran and Canadian law governs this process… Our laws do not punish innocent victims, hence the HSBC could never be at risk of economic deprivation in Canada.”

If the judge agrees with Peck that the fraud charge would not apply in Canada, then Meng would be freed. But the Canadian government lawyers, who will also make their case during the scheduled four-day hearing, say that the case is about fraud charges, not sanctions, and Meng should remain in Canada on bail, while her extradition case proceeds.

“This extradition has every appearance of the U.S. seeking to enlist Canada to enforce the very sanctions which we have repudiated,” Peck said.

Meng Wanzhou leaving the Law Courts on Sept. 23 (Mackin)

That is where it gets complicated. Canada lifted sanctions in 2016 against Iran, along with the U.S. and other countries, who reached the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action Respecting Iran (JCPOA) accord. But, the alleged offence committed by Meng took place in 2013 when both Canada and U.S. had sanctions against Iran that covered the financial services industry.

Eric Gottardi, another of Meng’s lawyers, called HSBC an “unwitting dupe” and said that Canadian fraud law differs from the U.S., because Canada requires an actual loss or risk of deprivation.

The scheduled four-day hearing is in the biggest, most-secure courtroom at the Law Courts in Vancouver. The room, with a 149-seat gallery, was built for $7.2 million in 2001 for the trial of persons accused in bombing an Air India flight in 1985. It was also the scene of a 2007 trial to decide ownership of the NHL’s Vancouver Canucks and Rogers Arena, after a dispute among three real estate tycoons who were originally planning a joint bid.

Meng was in a happy mood throughout the day. During the mid-afternoon recess, she emerged from the glass-encased area of the courtroom to visit with about 20 people in the far left corner. She led them to the hallway outside where they partook in small talk. One of them men in the group told that they were Huawei workers from the company’s Shenzhen headquarters.

Students protested in favour of freeing Meng Wanzhou. (Mackin)

Before the hearing began, outside the Nelson Street entrance, Uyghur Muslims protested China’s jailing of more than a million people in Xinjiang. Outside the Smithe Street entrance, the one used by Meng to arrive with her court-appointed security guards, a group of local students carried similar signs urging an end to the extradition hearings.

Their signs said “Free Ms. Meng. Bring Michael home. Trump stop bullying us. Equal justice.”

Oddly, the signs mentioned “Michael,” in the singular.

China arrested two Canadian men named Michael, diplomat Kovrig and businessman Spavor, in apparent retaliation for Meng’s detention in December 2018. They languish in jail in China, cut off from their families and lawyers. Meng lives under a curfew in her Shaughnessy mansion which, coincidentally, is mortgaged by HSBC.

The message on the signs echoed a Globe and Mail guest commentary last week by Eddie Goldenberg, a lawyer with the Bennett Jones law firm who was the chief of staff to former Liberal Prime Minister Jean Chretien, who is now a lawyer with Dentons, an international law firm with offices throughout China. Goldenberg is the latest Liberal Party member to advocate for the Trudeau Liberal government to set a precedent and meddle in the case.

None of the students would tell their name or affiliation. One of them said he was unaware of the extradition treaty between Canada and the U.S. or the facts of the case. Another would not deny that the group was paid to appear outside the courthouse on the rainy Vancouver Monday morning. 

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Bob Mackin Sanctions. It is all about

Eddie Goldenberg, who was the chief of staff to ex-Prime Minister Jean Chretien, is the latest Liberal voice to suggest Canada release Huawei chief financial officer Meng Wanzhou rather than let the rule of law prevail.

Meng’s extradition hearing begins this week in British Columbia Supreme Court. She is wanted in the U.S. on fraud charges for allegedly misleading banks about Huawei’s business in Iran. Unless her legal team succeeds in convincing a judge to release her on a technicality, the case could drag on for years.

Terry Glavin (Twitter)

Terry Glavin, a columnist in the National Post and Maclean’s, tells Podcast host Bob Mackin that there is a simple solution that does not involve Canada kowtowing to China.

“There is an easy way to resolve it,” Glavin said. “That is, if Meng Wanzhou tells her handlers to fire up the limousine and take her to the Peace Arch border crossing so that she can turn her in to American authorities, where she will get the fair trial that her father says he has confidence she will get in the States.”

On this edition, Glavin talks about China and Canada’s other big foreign policy challenge of early 2020: Iran.

Canada was the ultimate destination for most of the 176 innocents killed on a Ukrainian 737 jet by Iranian missiles over Tehran. Iran was forced to admit it shot down the jet, after initially lying, removing evidence from the debris field and preventing foreign investigators immediate access to the country.

Iranian human rights activists have risked their safety and marched against the hardline Islamic regime, angry that their government lied to them. Yet some Canadians, such as Maple Leaf Foods CEO Michael McCain, have directed their anger solely at U.S. president Donald Trump.

McCain’s company is building a meatless foods plant with government subsidies in Indiana, vice-president Mike Pence’s home state. Meanwhile, McCain has lobbied against sanctioning Chinese officials complicit in human rights abuse. Maple Leaf has big ambitions for the Chinese market, where protein is in high demand.

“For this guy to suddenly become a folk hero, he’s this kind of a greasy corporate executive from a family with Liberal credentials,” Glavin said.

“The position he articulated was objectively indistinguishable from what the Iranian foreign ministry is saying, what the office of the supreme leader is saying.”

Anastaia Lin (

Also on this edition, Mackin interviews Anastasia Lin, the Chinese-born, Canadian-raised beauty queen who became a human rights activist.

Lin is appearing at the Global Democracies in Retreat conference in Vancouver, to talk about why China poses the greatest threat to free speech around the world.

In her interview, she said she is encouraged by Hong Kong’s pro-democracy movement and the re-election of Taiwan’s independence-minded president. But the Canadian government’s apathy troubles Lin. February’s two-year countdown to the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics could provide another opportunity.

“It would be quite wonderful to boycott, wouldn’t it?” Lin told Mackin.

Listen to Glavin and Lin on this week’s edition of Podcast.

Plus, commentaries and headlines from the Pacific Rim and Pacific Northwest.

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Eddie Goldenberg, who was the chief of

By Florence Mo Han Aw 

Former Liberal Member of the B.C. Legislative Assembly, Richard Lee has disclosed in a recent media interview that, in November 2015, he had been detained for eight hours and refused entry by the Chinese port of entry authorities at Shanghai, when he and his wife went there on tour.

Ex-BC Liberal MLA Richard T. Lee (Mackin)

His personal cell phone as well as the MLA business cell phone were seized and he was required to provide his passwords. Eventually, the Chinese authorities revoked his entry visa on the ground of “endangering the national security,” and he was ordered to directly fly back to Canada with his wife. During the improper detention, he had sought to contact the Canadian Consulate General, the Canadian Ambassador, as well as his travel agency. All such requests had been denied.

In the 16 years from 2001 to 2017, Lee served for four terms as a member of the provincial legislature. He said that during that time he had done a lot of effective work towards the promotion and facilitation of cultural, trade and inter-governmental exchange between Canada and China. So he did not anticipate any problems entering Shanghai. He had no idea that he had been blacklisted by China. Apparently, his record of goodwill meant nothing to the government of China, which routinely ignores individual human rights and international diplomatic protocol.

Lee has served as chairman of the second board of directors of the Vancouver Society in Support of Democratic Movement. He has regularly attended the annual candlelight vigil in memory of the June 4, 1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre in front of the People’s Republic of China Consulate General’s mansion in Vancouver. He had been cautioned by Liu Fei, then-Consul General in Vancouver, not to participate in such activities or express such opinions which might offend the Chinese government.

Mayor Malcolm Brodie at the farewell for Liu Fei (Facebook)

The Consul General in Vancouver had also pressured Chinese community organizations in Vancouver to alienate him. Lee’s regular attendance at the vigil for those who died in the Tiananmen incident shows that he is a politician who is concerned about justice, freedom and democracy. Because of that, he had been refused entry to China.

Other politicians, such as Teresa Wat, a current BC Liberal MLA, have stated that they have never had any problems entering China, including Shanghai. Obviously, that is because these politicians, in order to curry the favour of the Chinese government, have kept their silence on issues of freedom and democracy. The Chinese government is antagonistic towards universal values, and has banned people, including politicians who hold dissenting opinions. In other words, to be welcome to China, one must not only have goodwill, but also must be willing to keep quiet on issues of freedom, democracy and human rights.

Lee, who was at the time serving as deputy speaker of the B.C. Legislature, did not openly speak about the incidence upon his return to Canada. His explanation is that he was considering the potential damage to the Canada-China relations. It was not until the end of 2018, when China retaliated against Canada’s detention of Meng Wanzhou, Huawei’s deputy chairwoman, by detaining two Canadians, Michael Kovrig, former diplomat, and Michael Spavor, businessman.

While Canada was acting pursuant to its obligations under the extradition treaty with the U.S., China’s detention of the two Canadians was for allegations of “endangering the national security.” He sympathized with the plight of the two detained Canadians, and decided to speak up about his own experience. He wrote a letter addressed to both Chrystia Freeland, then foreign affairs minister, and Lu Shaye, then Chinese Ambassador to Canada.

The Prime Minister’s Office responded only after inquiry from news media. To avoid jeopardizing Canada-China relations, Lee has endured the humiliating experience in silence for four years. This really tells us about the bind that Canadian politicians are in. And the Canadian government is still keeping its head down and mouth shut. “Canada-China relations” appears to be a behavioural control device that so far has been effectively used by China against Canada.

Clark and Wat with Communist Hu Chunhua (BC Gov)

Many people think that once both sides release their respective detainees, the inter-governmental relations will return to normal. This view is too simplistic. They forget that Canada and China have significant differences in their political systems and fundamental values.

If Canadians stand firm on their fundamental values, and put human rights above trade, then Canada-China relations will not completely return to normal.

  • Florence Mo Han Aw is the author of the 2012 memoir, My Time in Hong Kong’s Underground Communist Party.

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By Florence Mo Han Aw  Former Liberal

Bob Mackin

A B.C. Supreme Court judge upheld a Ministry of Children and Family Development decision against a 2018 Vancouver city council candidate who argued it was his constitutional right to send his five young children on a TransLink bus without him.

Adrian Crook featured his five children in his 2018 city council campaign. (Facebook/Vote Adrian Crook)

In a Nov. 14, 2019 written ruling, which was published Jan. 13, 2020, Justice Stephen Kelleher dismissed Adrian Crook’s court petition. Crook contended that the B.C. government infringed upon his right to life, liberty and security of person.

“Mr. Crook’s constitutional point is this, section 7 of the Charter protects parental decision-making and creates a presumption that parents should make important decisions affecting their children,” Kelleher wrote.

“There is no Charter-related error justifying the intervention of the court,” Kelleher concluded in his verdict, which does not include the names of the children or their mother. ( has chosen to obscure the children’s faces from a Crook campaign ad.)

Crook gained international media attention when he went public about his dispute with the child protection department on his 5 Kids 1 Condo blog on the first day of school in September 2017.

A two-day trial in Vancouver last September heard the other side of the story. 

Kelleher wrote that a social worker found that Crook’s children and their mother, who has joint custody of the children, both had safety concerns despite Crook training the children to take the bus and equipping them with a cell phone and location tracker.

Crook’s children were aged 5, 7, 8, 9 and 10 in March 2017 when the Ministry acted on a mandatory report under the Child, Family and Community Service Act that the children were in need of protection. The children were riding public transit alone from Crook’s Yaletown condo to a North Vancouver school near their mother’s home during periods of time when Crook had custody.

“The Ministry, following its policies, assessed the report, interviewed the children and the parents, considered the family’s circumstances and sought to work collaboratively with the petitioner to address safety concerns,” Kelleher wrote.

A child protection social worker phoned Crook’s former wife, the children’s mother and joint guardian, to obtain Crook’s phone number. She learned that Crook’s ex-wife was uncomfortable with the children riding the bus alone.

The social worker relied on the Canada Safety Council Guidelines that recommend parents not allow a child to stay at home alone before age 10 and, even then only if the child is mature enough. Crook agreed with the Ministry to not allow the children to ride the bus without a “responsible and dedicated” adult present until further direction from a social worker. The report found Crook failed to see the safety concerns around letting young children ride the bus on their own. The social worker was otherwise complimentary of Crook’s fathering skills.

“There is evidence of a healthy relationship between Mr. Crook and the children,” the report said. “Mr. Crook is interactive and engaging with the children and the children’s disclosures about him were all positive.”

Adrian Crook (left) and then-Mayor Gregor Robertson in 2014 (Twitter)

Crook sought an administrative review of the June 2017 decision. The original letter was deemed problematic because it precluded further assessment which could lead to more freedom for the children as they mature.

But, Kelleher’s ruling cited a May 9, 2018 letter from the Ministry to Crook that said his seven-year-old daughter told a social worker how she feared riding the bus without an adult.

“During the interview, she also told the social worker she thought it was too much responsibility for her 10-year-old brother,” the letter said. “All four of your older children told the social worker that they get into frequent arguments and fight with one another. Without an adult to intervene, that fighting could escalate and a child could get hurt.”

Moreover, none of the children was able to say what to do in the event of an emergency or unsafe situation on the bus.

That letter also said the Ministry supports building independence in children and conceded there is no law that prevents children being left alone, provided they are not left in danger. But the Ministry also found more concerns about Crook’s choices.

The children’s mother, it said, “reported that she did not agree with your plan for them to ride the bus unsupervised and felt that the children were not able to keep themselves safe on the bus. She also expressed general concern with the lack of supervision of the children while in your care.

“TransLink clarified that on public transit the bus driver does not assume responsibility for supervising any children and cannot account for the actions of other transit passengers who could pose a risk to those children.”

While Kelleher found the first decision flawed, he deemed the Ministry’s May 9, 2018 decision “both reasonable and correct.

“On any standard of review, it is not assailable,” Kelleher ruled.

Crook, a video game and app consultant, ran a GoFundMe campaign that raised $42,501 for the constitutional challenge. He announced his court petition against the government in a news release just in time for advance voting in the October 2018 civic election. The strategy failed to catapult Crook to victory. The independent candidate finished 25th in the race for one of the 10 city council seats, with 17,392 votes.

Crook was a Vision Vancouver campaign volunteer in 2014 but, in early 2018, announced he would seek the NPA nomination for city council. He left the NPA when the party board rejected the mayoral nomination of lobbyist and 2017-elected councillor Hector Bremner.

Crook raised $20,891.65 for his political campaign, including $1,200 donations from high-profile condo developers Ian Gillespie and Ryan Beedie.

Crook is a co-founder of the pro-development industry lobby group Abundant Housing Vancouver. The group of NDP and Liberal-aligned pro-density activists wants city council to abolish single-family housing in favour of apartment blocks and towers, and includes several members who do not live in City of Vancouver. Last November, Crook appeared in Victoria at an Urban Development Institute-sponsored event with Sonja Trauss, leader of the San Francisco pro-density campaign that inspired AHV. 

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Bob Mackin A B.C. Supreme Court judge

Will Premier John Horgan call an early election in 2020?

Who will become the new leader of the B.C. Greens in June?

Is Andrew Wilkinson a viable leader for the slow-to-rejuvenate BC Liberals?

Dermod Travis (Voice of B.C./Shaw)

Many questions to be answered as the young year progresses.

IntegrityBC’s Dermod Travis is the guest on this week’s edition of Podcast. He thinks there is only a 30%-35% chance Horgan might go to the polls before the fixed October 2021 election date. But the fate of the B.C. Greens’ leadership contest could trigger the next election.

“[Horgan is] obviously going to be in a delicate situation if the new leader of the party is not one of the sitting MLAs,” Travis said.

With Andrew Weaver handing the reins to interim leader Adam Olsen, that leaves Sonia Furstenau. Will she run? Will she win?

Travis tells host Bob Mackin about findings of research into expense claims filed by Wilkinson, Ben Stewart and ex-speaker Linda Reid. The BC Liberals have a knack of traveling to swing ridings.

Wilkinson, Reid and Stewart (BC Leg)

“There seems to be more often than not a direct correlation between an MLA’s travel expenses coming out of their non partisan constituency office budget and the electoral needs of the B.C. Liberal party and this is one of the things the Legislative Assembly Management Committee has to address,” Travis said.

Last year, the BC Liberals had accused the NDP of using riding offices for partisan means. 

“You can’t have it both ways.”

Plus, commentaries and headlines from the Pacific Rim and Pacific Northwest.

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Will Premier John Horgan call an early

It’s only 2020 and Vancouver’s mayor is already campaigning for his 2022 re-election. Surrey’s mayor is hoping to keep his majority on city council, to achieve his new municipal police force. B.C.’s premier and Canada’s prime minister govern in minority scenarios. Will they last? Meanwhile, Donald Trump is up for re-election.

Research Co. pollster Mario Canseco (Mackin)

Research Co. pollster Mario Canseco joins host Bob Mackin on the first podcast of the new year to ponder the next 12 months in politics.

Plus, headlines from the Pacific Rim and Pacific Northwest and commentaries.

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It's only 2020 and Vancouver's mayor is

Bob Mackin

The mining union leader who returned to Mexico after 12 years in exile in Canada is back in Vancouver, has exclusively learned.

Sen. Napoleon Gomez Urrutia and wife Oralia Casso on Jan. 2.

Sen. Napoleon Gomez Urrutia traveled with wife Oralia Casso de Gomez on Jan. 2 from Mexico City on Aeromexico flight 696, according to a source who observed them board and disembark. The couple flew in first class seats 3A and 3B and presented dark blue-covered Canadian passports. The couple was photographed standing with a luggage cart.

The couple’s son, Ernesto Gomez Casso, is a restaurateur in Vancouver. The senator has not replied to an email to his senate office seeking information about whether he was traveling on official or personal business. 

Gomez was head of the National Union of Mine, Metal, Steel and Allied Workers of the Mexican Republic, better known as Los Mineros, when he fled with his family to Vancouver in 2006. He blamed mining company Grupo Mexico and the Mexican government for “industrial homicide” after an explosion at a coal mine earlier that year in Coahuila killed 65 workers. He was charged for allegedly embezzling $55 million from a union trust fund that had been dissolved in 2005. Gomez denied the allegations. In 2014, a Mexican appeal court deemed the charges unconstitutional and cancelled an arrest warrant.

Napoleon Gomez Urrutia at a Whitecaps FC match in B.C. Place Stadium (Facebook)

Gomez continued to run Los Mineros from afar, enjoyed the support of Unifor and the United Steelworkers and even became a Canadian citizen in 2014. Elections BC’s database shows seven donations to the B.C. NDP, from 2009 to 2017, totalling $2,680. Oxford-educated Gomez succeeded his father as the union’s leader in 2000, but never worked in a mine.

In 2018, Gomez triumphantly returned to Mexico when he was appointed a senator under that country’s mixed member proportional representation system after the election of new president Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador. At the time, Gomez claimed he had renounced his Canadian citizenship in order to lawfully assume his seat in the senate.

Early last year, Gomez formed the International Labour Confederation, an umbrella for 150 Mexican unions.

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Bob Mackin The mining union leader who returned

Bob Mackin

Rain and wind cancelled the new year’s eve fireworks at Grouse Mountain, ending 2019 with a whimper.

But, two days later, Northland Properties Corp. made Canada’s first big business bang of 2020. The privately held Vancouver hospitality company announced the purchase of the four-season North Vancouver resort from the Canadian arm of debt-laden China Minsheng Investment Group (CMIG).

Tom Gaglardi (NHL)

“With our strong family and company roots in Vancouver, we are excited with the opportunity to make this acquisition,” said Northland CEO Tom Gaglardi in a prepared statement. “We look forward to working closely with the existing team and leadership group, as well the community to ensure we maintain and evolve the iconic Grouse Mountain experience for all of our visitors.”

CMIG bought the resort in July 2017 from the McLaughlin family for an undisclosed amount. The McLaughlins had reportedly been asking $200 million.

CMIG holdings included real estate, insurance, leasing and renewable energy. By September 2018, CMIG was reportedly carrying more than $43 billion in debt. In early 2019, CMIG began to aggressively cut costs and unload assets.

Terms of the Northland purchase were not released.

Grouse Mountain Skyride (Mackin)

Northland owns the Revelstoke Mountain Resort in B.C., 50-property Sandman Hotel Group in Canada, U.S. and U.K., high-end Sutton Place hotels in Vancouver, Edmonton, Halifax and Revelstoke and 60 Denny’s restaurants across Canada.

Its highest-profile asset is the National Hockey League’s Dallas Stars, who hosted and won the 2020 Winter Classic outdoor game on New Year’s Day at the Cotton Bowl football stadium.

The Northland purchase of Grouse could open the door to the involvement of former Whistler Blackcomb Holdings Inc. CEO David Brownlie in overseeing operations. Brownlie joined Revelstoke in 2018 as its president, to lead mountain operations, heliskiing and real estate development at the resort. 

Not only does the Northland purchase repatriate ownership of Vancouver’s most popular, privately run natural attraction (it averages 1.3 million visitors annually), but it simplifies the ownership.

When China Minsheng’s purchase was announced July 18, 2017, it said CM (Canada) Asset Management Co. Ltd. bought GM Resorts LP, and claimed to be 60% Canadian-owned.

Public records obtained by theBreaker showed that CM (Canada) Asset Management Co. Ltd. was incorporated Nov. 21, 2016 as 1097351 B.C. Ltd. with Kang Yu Canning Zou as the sole director. 

Zou’s address was a $7.6 million-assessed, Shaughnessy mansion near the People’s Republic of China consular compound in South Granville. The property deed was registered in 2009 by businessman Wei Zou and homemaker Xia Yu. 

1097351 B.C. Ltd. became CM (Canada) Asset Management Co. Ltd. on March 8, 2017, when a second director was added: Liao “Laurence” Feng. According to the CMIG website, Liao is the assistant president of CMIG and CEO of CMIG International. Six days later, on March 14, 2017, GM Resorts LP registered. Both GM Resorts LP and CM (Canada) are registered at the Bentall Centre office of law firm Fasken Martineau.

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Bob Mackin Rain and wind cancelled the new

Bob Mackin

It was 20 years ago today, on Dec. 31, 1999, that KISS came to B.C. Place Stadium to rock the world (well, at least the Pacific time zone) out of 1999 and into the year 2000. 

I graciously declined tickets. After racing to finish and print the manuscript for my first book, Record-Breaking Baseball Trivia (Greystone), I drove to a party just across the border in Point Roberts, Wash. instead. There was plenty of beer, candles and a Coleman stove, in case the power went out. 


Like any 29 year-old, I really did want to rock and roll all day and party all night. But I also didn’t want to be under that inflatable roof if the power went out because of a global computer glitch.

Some experts were fearing data panic in the year zero and I bought what they were selling. What a mistake that was! 

“Depending who you ask, the potential impact of this gargantuan glitch ranges from the trivial to the apocalyptic – from the minor annoyance of malfunctioning VCRs to the complete collapse of information systems governing banks, stock markets, utilities, and government,” reported Quill and Quire.

During a July 1998 speech broadcast on C-SPAN2, U.S. Vice-President Al Gore explained the problem in layman’s language.

“Back in the 1960s and 1970s, managers and programmers tried to save money by saving on memory,” Gore said. “At that stage of the computer revolution, memory was at a premium and they were trying to avoid using any unnecessary space in the memory storage areas. So they came up with a notion of representing the date with only two digits instead of four, so 1965 became just 65 and it saved millions of dollars. But it also created one whale of a problem.”

Jerome and Marilyn Murray were among the first to warn the world in their 1984 book, Computers in Crisis: How to Avert the Coming Worldwide Computer Systems Collapse. Other books followed, including Y2K It’s Not Too Late, by Scott Marks, Karl Kaufman and Patrice Kaufman and Y2K It’s Already Too Late, by Jason Kelly. 

Governments and businesses spent millions upon millions of dollars to reprogram their computer systems or replace them altogether. BC Gas, the province’s natural gas utility, Bank of Montreal and the Canadian Springs water company issued notices to customers. Here they are below. 

As well as a clip of KISS counting down to midnight and the year 2000.  

The roof stayed aloft. KISS came and went.

The beer stayed cold in Point Roberts and life went on. Crisis averted.

Despite what Paul Stanley said, it wasn’t really the start of the new millennium at B.C. Place. Or anywhere, for that matter.

As the late, great Rafe Mair wrote in a 1996 Richmond News column: “If zero were a number, we would start the year with January 0 and Labour Day this year would have been September 1, with the day before being September 0… On December 31, 2000 (God willing) I shall celebrate my birthday and at 12:00 midnight will toast in the incoming new millennium. I will be all alone, of course, because the rest of you turkeys can’t count or are too stubborn to admit that you’ve been taken in by the international media who, rather than be right and miss the party, will insist that somehow the passage of 1999 years means that we should get excited.”

P.S. The B.C. Place roof did eventually fall down, but that was in January 2007 after managers refused to heat the roof and melt falling snow. It led to the $514 million renovation that included installation of a retractable roof in 2011. 

(BC Gas)

(BC Gas)

(Canadian Springs)




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Bob Mackin It was 20 years ago today,