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There are 71 candidates running for 10 city council seats in Vancouver’s Oct. 20 general election. Almost 10% of them are on this edition of Podcast.

Hear the “elevator pitches” for your vote by: independent Justin Caudwell, Coalition Vancouver’s Glen Chernen, independent Hamdy El-Rayes, Vancouver Greens’ Pete Fry, NPA’s Colleen Hardwick, ProVancouver’s Rohana Rezel and COPE’s Anne Roberts. 

Host Bob Mackin asked each one of them why they deserve your vote and what they will do to advance the cause of open government, should they be elected. 

Plus commentaries and Pacific Rim and Pacific Northwest headlines.

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There are 71 candidates running for 10

Bob Mackin

One of two men acquitted of planning the worst terrorist attack in Canadian history was seen at a campaign event for Tom Gill’s Surrey First mayoral bid.

Now Gill’s party is trying to distance itself from Ripudaman Singh Malik.

Malik and Ajaib Singh Bagri were found not guilty in 2005 of the 1985 Air India bombings that killed 331 people.

Malik at a Gill campaign event (Twitter)

Twitter user @JaswinderGrew41 published a photo and video on Oct. 7 of a Surrey First event, where Malik was seen seated among more than 100 people in a banquet room, listening to Gill.

theBreaker also obtained a copy of WhatsApp message that appears to have originated from Malik, encouraging attendance at a Sept. 1 meeting in the Khalsa School in Newton. Read the message: “To support Tom Gill for Mayar (sic) & slate for council…. please attend.”

Gill did not respond to theBreaker, but campaign spokesman Norman Stowe of the Pace Group did.

“[Gill] attends a dozen different events every day that are organized by individuals and community groups across the city,” Stowe said. “It would be impossible for him to personally know everyone who might attend and he was not aware of Mr Malik’s attendance at any particular event.”

Did Malik donate to the Surrey First campaign?

While we’re confident we have not had a campaign contribution from Mr. Malik we have asked our finance folks to go through everything to be sure,” Stowe said. “They will be back to me on Monday.”

Gregor Robertson with Malik in 2010 (Anton)

It is not the first time that Malik’s attendance at a political event has caused a stir.

Vancouver mayor Gregor Robertson was photographed in 2010 smiling near Malik at the Khalsa School in Vancouver by NPA Coun. Suzanne Anton. Robertson said he was there for the school opening and did not shake Malik’s hand.

In 2011, Vancouver South Conservative Wai Young was invited to the Khalsa School, where Malik endorsed her bid to unseat Ujjal Dosanjh to teachers and parents.

Young later said that she had been invited by the principal and would have not attended had she known Malik was present or involved with the school.

Young is running for Vancouver mayor under the Coalition Vancouver banner.

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Bob Mackin One of two men acquitted of

Bob Mackin

Most of the contenders for Vancouver city hall in the Oct. 20 election have voluntarily published names of their monetary supporters.

But it is a different story in Surrey, where the RCMP is investigating allegations of vote-buying.

The Tom Gill-led Surrey First is refusing to release its list of donations before election day.

McCallum (left), Gill and Hayne are battling for the Surrey mayoralty.

Our donor list is not complete, because the election has not yet happened,” the party’s financial agent Gord Schoberg told theBreaker. “We will be pleased to provide our donor list within the required 90 days from election day.”

Surrey First held a golf tournament fundraiser earlier this year, featuring outgoing mayor Linda Hepner. A $25,000 donation bought four seats at Hepner’s table.

Doug McCallum was the Surrey mayor from 1996 to 2005 and is aiming for a comeback with the Safe Surrey Coalition. McCallum not respond to theBreaker’s email or calls to his mobile phone.

We’re not releasing our lists, but we’re happy to discuss issues facing the electorate any time,” said Laura Ballance, spokeswoman for ex-Surrey First Coun. Bruce Hayne. Hayne is running for mayor under the new Integrity Now umbrella.

Surrey First raised almost $1.07 million in 2014, the last unregulated municipal general election in B.C. Major donors included Surrey Firefighters Association ($32,564.01), SVH Management Ltd. ($27,250), Bosa Properties ($21,500), Bhupinder Singh Ajuta and Malkiat Sandhu’s 0939000 B.C. Ltd. ($20,000), and B&B Contracting ($16,500).

Ex-premier poses for selfie with a McCallum supporter.

McCallum lost in 2014 to Surrey First’s Linda Hepner. He reported raising $258,486.94. His campaign relied heavily on donations from Bob Cheema-owned companies Bill’s Development ($58,500) and Popular Group Investment ($21,000). Cheema was the developer behind the proposed South Surrey Gateway casino that was rejected on a 5-4 city council vote in 2013. Then-mayor Dianne Watts, a McCallum foe, cast the tiebreaking vote. 

Surrey RCMP is investigating after the anti-crime Wake Up Surrey group complained on Sept. 28, alleging fraudulent use of absentee ballots and vote-buying. The detachment opened a tip line for the case, 604-599-7848.

On Oct. 12, the Mounties said detectives have found no evidence of a link to any candidate or party with mail-in ballot fraud. It also said there is no indication that anybody has induced or intimidated voters to provide personal information or to vote for a specific candidate.

Two persons of interest have been interviewed, but further investigation is required on whether to recommend charges under the Criminal Code or Local Government Act, the Surrey RCMP said. 

Meanwhile, photos circulated on social media appear to show ex-BC Liberal Premier Christy Clark at a McCallum fundraiser. One photograph shows her with real estate agent Kam Pawar and four other men.

“How do we look happy canadians at [Jack] Hundial, [Brenda] Locke and Our future Mayor McCallum team for…” says part of a message under a photograph of Clark with a Surrey insurance agent.

Clark is now an advisor at the Bennett Jones law firm and member of the Shaw Communications board of directors. Locke is a former BC Liberal MLA who was in caucus with Clark from 2001 to 2005. Hundial retired from the RCMP after 25 years in 2017 and is now an investigator with BC Hydro. 

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Bob Mackin Most of the contenders for Vancouver

UPDATED: Oct. 12

Bob Mackin

Richmond RCMP’s serious crimes unit revealed Oct. 12 that it is investigating allegations of vote-buying via WeChat.

Vancouver city hall has called the Vancouver Police to do the same. 

The Richmond News reported Oct. 11 that City of Richmond began investigating after the Canada Wenzhou Friendship

Wenzhou expats WeChat group is under investigation for alleged vote-buying.

Society WeChat group offered a $20 “transportation subsidy” incentive for Chinese-Canadians to vote between Oct. 6 and 20. The message on the Chinese social media platform provided a list of recommended candidates, mainly in Richmond. The newspaper said the association withdrew its offer earlier this week when it learned offering incentives to vote was illegal.

The WeChat message recommended voting Hong Guo for mayor of Richmond, and Richmond First’s Peter Liu, and Richmond Community Coalition’s Chak Au and Melissa Zhang for city council. In an Oct. 2 interview with theBreaker, real estate and immigration lawyer Guo contradicted evidence and said  that China is not a human rights abuser.

A translation for theBreaker showed the WeChat message also recommended voting for Burnaby Citizens’ Association Coun. James Wang, Vancouver mayoral candidates Fred Harding of Vancouver 1st or Wai Young of Coalition Vancouver, and city council candidates Wei Qiao Zhang of Vision Vancouver and Jason Xie of Coalition Vancouver.

In a news release, Vancouver city hall said that it is investigating in conjunction with civic officials in Richmond and Burnaby. Section 123 of the Vancouver Charter bans offering money or rewards for voting. Penalties include fines up to $10,000, up to two years jail or a ban on holding public office for up to seven years. 

The City of Vancouver is aware of messages circulating on WeChat from the Canada Wenzhou Friendship Society that appear to offer money in exchange for voting in Richmond, Burnaby, and Vancouver. Wenzhou is a port city of 9 million, south of Shanghai, in China’s Zhejiang province. 

The Wenzhou Chamber of Commerce held a ceremony where the Canada Wenzhou Friendship Society donated $26,000 to eight candidates on Aug. 26 in Richmond that was attended by Xie, Young, Guo, Zhang, Liu and Wang. The ex-president of the Wenzhou Association of Canada, Miaofei Pan, also attended the event. Pan famously hosted Prime Minister Justin Trudeau for a 2016 private Liberal fundraiser.

Richmond candidates Hong Guo, Chak Au and Peter Liu in the front row with Vision Vancouver’s Wei Qiao Zhang at the Aug. 26 fundraiser. (

In October 2017, Pan’s $14 million Angus Drive mansion in Shaughnessy was severely damaged by an arson fire. No one has been charged. Vancouver city hall did, however, charge Pan under the heritage maintenance bylaw for failing to protect the house after the fire.

Vision’s Zhang has not immediately responded for comment. Coalition Vancouver did not make Wai Young or Jason Xie available for an interview.

Elections BC spokesman Andrew Watson said the Local Elections Campaign Financing Act states campaign donations can only be made by individuals who are a resident of B.C. and a Canadian citizen or permanent resident. Watson said Elections BC is aware of the society’s fundraising event. “They will be taken into consideration during our compliance review of the financing reports for all of the candidates in question,” Watson said.

A Coalition Vancouver ad on WeChat shows Wai Young at the pro-Beijing Canadian Alliance of Chinese Associations meeting at the Canada Wenzhou Friendship Association’s Richmond clubhouse on Sept. 22. Young was accompanied by Coalition Vancouver candidates Morning Li and James Lin (city council) and Ying Zhou, Sophia Woo and Ken Denike (school board). 

Coalition Vancouver campaign manager Neil McIver said the party would fully cooperate with police.

We didn’t direct them or communicate with them outside of presenting to them as potential supporters — just like all Chinese candidates from all parties did,” McIver said. “It’s an outside group who likely didn’t know what they were doing was improper under Elections BC rules.”

Wai Young and Coalition Vancouver candidates on Sept. 22 at the Canada Wenzhou Friendship Society in Richmond (Coalition Vancouver/WeChat)

McIver said that if they donated to Coalition Vancouver or its candidates, the donation would be returned.

Harding told theBreaker that he was flattered by the endorsement on WeChat, but distanced his campaign from the cash offer.

“Let me say this: I’ve got a lot of people I’ve spoken to, probably 20,000 Chinese people in the last three months. Are any of them from Wenzhou? Probably. I’ve never heard of it. If they’re just suggesting I’m someone they support, that’s different than suggesting I’m somehow complicit,” Harding said.

“We don’t recommend people do this, we don’t need this to help us, we don’t need to induce people to help get them to vote for us. We’ve got solid, solid support in the Chinese community. We will win without having to resort to any measures that are concerning or underhanded.”

According to the society’s website, “two mysterious guests” came to the Wenzhou society’s Mid-Autumn Festival tea party on Sept. 23. 

“Chinese famous singer Zhang Mi and her husband, Fred [Harding], who is preparing to run for the mayor of Vancouver in October. Fu Aide made an impromptu speech at the scene and hoped that everyone would vote for him. Zhang Mi sang a few well-known Chinese songs for everyone, winning a burst of applause from the folks.”

Most Vancouver civic parties and mainstream mayoral candidates have disclosed unofficial lists of donors. Their audited returns are due to Elections BC three months after election day.

Harding said it is unlikely that Vancouver 1st will reveal its monetary supporters before Oct. 20. 

“I don’t know if we’ll do it before election day, we’ll certainly comply with the Election Act. We’ve got nothing to hide about our donors, of course. We’ve done well, despite the stringent financial laws.”

Vancouver 1st’s marketing effort to Chinese voters has included promoting ex-police officer Harding’s marriage to Chinese singer-model Zhang Mi and featuring his resemblance to Barack Obama.

Fred Harding (Vancouver 1st)

Candidates in the Oct. 20 local government elections are scrambling to find individuals to donate after the NDP government banned corporations and unions from writing donation cheques. Parties like Vancouver 1st and Coalition Vancouver have targeted Chinese voters and candidates. One-in-five Metro Vancouverites is ethnic Chinese.

However, governments in the United States and Australia have warned that the Chinese government is seeking to influence local government elections via Beijing-loyal business and cultural associations. 

Research for the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission, released Aug. 24, said the Chinese Communist Party’s United Front Work Department “seeks to co-opt ethnic Chinese individuals and communities living outside China while a number of other key affiliated organizations guided by China’s broader United Front strategy conduct influence operations targeting foreign actors and states.”

The report cited the work of author Clive Hamilton, a public ethics professor at Charles Sturt University in New South Wales. The report said Australian security authorities estimate at least 10 recent state and local government candidates were connected to Chinese intelligence agencies. 

“United Front activities in Australia have involved political donations, influence operations targeting high-ranking politicians, and harassment of members of the Chinese-Australian community,” the report said. 

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UPDATED: Oct. 12 Bob Mackin Richmond RCMP's serious crimes

Bob Mackin

Hector Bremner, the Yes Vancouver party’s candidate for mayor on Oct. 20, is well-known for once being an aide to former Deputy Premier Rich Coleman. Background interviews with current and former BC Liberal insiders, and documents obtained by theBreaker, show that Bremner was a member of Christy Clark’s leadership campaign team in 2011.

Bremner, who ran the Touch Marketing consultancy at the time, was an organizer for Clark in Burnaby and New Westminster ridings. On the eve of the Feb. 26, 2011 party election to replace Premier Gordon Campbell, Bremner was one of three recipients of two email messages from Harry Bloy, the Burnaby-Lougheed MLA and Clark’s only supporter inside the BC Liberal caucus.

BC Liberal MLA Harry Bloy (left) and Hector Bremner at Bloy’s February 2011 fundraiser. (Flickr)

At 11:55 a.m. on Feb. 25, 2011, Bloy emailed Bremner at his Touch address, BC Liberal director of field operations Mark Robertson on his BC Liberal address and ex-Vancouver-Burrard MLA Lorne Mayencourt.

Bloy forwarded to Bremner, Mayencourt and Robertson what he had received 10 minutes earlier from one of his connections: a list of 77 personal identification numbers, with assurance that more were on the way.

Bloy’s email also included this short message: “Use different lines. Virginia, Filipino Community? Thanks, harry”.

Virginia was a reference to Bremner’s wife. As for the PIN numbers, the party sent the unique codes to every party member, so that they could cast a vote for a new party leader by phone or Internet.

At 5:50 p.m. on the same day, Bloy received a second batch of 22 PIN numbers, and forwarded them seven minutes later to Bremner, Mayencourt and Robertson. The subject line read “Fwd: pin # for CC E-Day.”

The two emails contained a total of 99 PIN numbers.

The messages do not indicate what Bremner, Mayencourt and Robertson did next.

The handling of PIN numbers for the 2011 leadership election was a surprise element of the investigation by Special Prosecutor David Butcher and the RCMP. Butcher was appointed in September 2013 after then-NDP leader Adrian Dix complained to authorities about possible violations of the Election Act.

During a hearing at Vancouver Provincial Court before Judge David St. Pierre in January of this year, Butcher confirmed that he found evidence of voting irregularities in the leadership contest that resulted in Clark’s victory over Kevin Falcon by a 340-point margin. 

Clark’s third-ballot win was by a score of 4,420 to 4,080 points under the regionally-weighted, preferential ballot system.

Butcher told the court that the BC Liberal leadership election rules in 2011 did not prohibit proxy voting, so Bloy used his connections “and his connections’ connections,” Butcher said, to amass PIN numbers.

“Those connections gathered blocks of PINs which were supplied to Mr. Bloy, who provided them to other Clark supporters, who entered them online — block voting in a proxy process,” Butcher explained. “The Liberal Party has acknowledged difficulties with this process and it has adopted a different system [for the 2018 leadership election]… and, prudently, they sought advice from the RCMP about how to improve the integrity of the process.”

After becoming premier, Clark appointed Bloy as the Minister of Social Development in her first cabinet. Later in 2011, she transferred Bloy to Minister of State for Multiculturalism. Clark also named runner-up Falcon as deputy premier and finance minister. He eventually quit in summer 2012 to join Anthem Properties as a vice-president.

Falcon broke his silence after Butcher’s court revelation when he admitted to StarMetro reporter David Ball that he was not surprised.

“What you see here really speaks to a lack of transparency and integrity in the process that is highly problematic. The stakes were so high, and the premiership was in play,” Falcon said. “My team felt very upset as they were seeing irregularities, but there was no way I was going to make allegations to anyone without hard evidence. I’m not going to be a poor loser.”

Questions persist

The reason for Butcher’s appearance in court was the sentencing hearing for BC Liberal operative and ex-government communications director Brian Bonney. Bonney had pleaded guilty to breach of trust on Oct. 12, 2017, for his role in the ethnic vote-pandering scandal, also known as “Quick Wins.” St. Pierre sentenced Bonney to a nine-month conditional sentence, to be served at his home in Burnaby. A trial had been scheduled to run from Oct. 16, 2017 to Feb. 22, 2018. Butcher was planning to call dozens of witnesses from inside the BC Liberals.

In court, Butcher said that “the RCMP conducted a lengthy and challenging investigation into the case,” but most of the significant evidence came from email.

Clark (left) and Bremner, during the 2013 election campaign (Twitter)

“Most of the key witnesses from the Liberal party caucus and ministerial staff lawyered-up,” he said. “Two former cabinet ministers, Harry Bloy and John Yap, did not, under the advice of counsel, ever provide statements to the RCMP.”

A person familiar with the case told theBreaker that Bremner did not consent to an interview. Butcher did not return a phone call. 

Bremner did not respond to multiple interview requests for this story. An email request to Bremner was also copied to Bremner’s lawyer, James Hatton, and campaign manager, Mark Marissen. Hatton was appointed in early 2013 to BC Hydro’s board by Clark, who is Marissen’s ex-wife.

theBreaker wanted to ask Bremner about his involvement with Clark’s campaign, whether he had any contact with Butcher or RCMP detectives, and whether he offered any assistance to their investigation.

Comment was also sought from Clark, Bloy, Mayencourt and Robertson. None responded.

After the leadership campaign, Bremner worked as a poll captain during Clark’s May 2011 Vancouver-Point Grey by-election win over the NDP’s David Eby.

Virginia Bremner became the receptionist at the Premier’s Vancouver Office in June 2011 and worked for Clark until July 2017, when the NDP formed government under Premier John Horgan.

Hector Bremner unsuccessfully ran for the BC Liberals in the New Westminster riding in 2013. He placed a distant second to Judy Darcy of the NDP. He was elected to Vancouver city council for the NPA in October 2017’s by-election, but the party board rejected his bid to become the mayoral nominee earlier this year. He started his own party, Yes Vancouver, for the Oct. 20 civic election. Bremner is awaiting the result of a conflict of interest investigation under city hall’s code of conduct.

His bio, on both the Yes Vancouver party website and the city council website, makes no mention of working on Clark’s political campaigns. It does say Bremner was appointed in 2013 to work in the international trade ministry (under Minister Teresa Wat) and that he later worked for the ministers of tourism and small business (Naomi Yamamoto) and natural gas development and housing (Coleman).

Bremner left the BC Liberal government at the end of January 2015 to join the Pace Group, the Vancouver public relations and government relations firm that, coincidentally, worked on Falcon’s 2011 leadership campaign.

When he joined Pace, Bremner registered to lobby the BC Liberal government for Steelhead LNG. His rival for the 2017 NPA by-election nomination, Coalition Vancouver city council candidate Glen Chernen, complained to the registrar of lobbyists. The $2,000 fine assessed to Bremner in February for not disclosing his former employment under Coleman was overturned on a technicality in August.

“As a father and a husband, Hector Bremner strives to lead by example and never shy away from doing what is right,” his bio states.

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Bob Mackin Hector Bremner, the Yes Vancouver party’s

Advance voting is underway this week for the Oct. 20 local government elections across British Columbia. 

Hong Guo

In Richmond, history will be made. Malcolm Brodie, first elected in 2001, is aiming to become the municipality’s longest-serving mayor. His main challenger, Hong Guo, wants to become Richmond’s  first female and first Chinese-born mayor. Guo, however, is facing a Law Society of B.C. professional misconduct hearing and a $13 million lawsuit over a collapsed real estate bill.

On this edition of Podcast, hear highlights of host Bob Mackin’s Oct. 2 interview with Guo. Guo’s platform includes a promise to forge closer ties between Richmond and China. The Vancouver suburb is already 60% ethnic Chinese, home to the Vancouver International Airport and a thriving hub for import/export business.

In an interview, real estate and immigration lawyer Guo made jaw-dropping statements that contradict the findings of international media and non-governmental organizations, such as “China has lots of freedom of speech” and “there is no human rights abuse in China.”

David Chen (ProVancouver)

Also on this edition, hear Mackin interview David Chen, the candidate for mayor of Vancouver with the new ProVancouver party.

Chen is a financial planner with degrees in psychology and a background that includes scuba diving, HAM radio and forklift driving. ProVancouver wants a new citywide plan that ends spot rezoning and ends foreign presales of condominiums. Chen wants a new citywide plan. Vancouver has become an unaffordable city with too many empty houses and empty retail storefronts, too little affordable housing and too little transparency at city hall.

“As a person born and raised in Vancouver, I don’t have any other home,” Chen said. “I’ve watched it change, not in very good ways.”

Plus commentaries and Pacific Rim and Pacific Northwest headlines.

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Advance voting is underway this week for

Bob Mackin

The Toronto firm that included the name of a Vision Vancouver supporter’s baby in a September opinion poll is working on a followup.

Mainstreet Research’s brief, Oct. 3 robocall, obtained by theBreaker, did not include questions about issues, like the one a month earlier. Instead, it asked about support for mainstream mayoral candidates Hector Bremner, David Chen, Connie Fogal, Fred Harding, Ken Sim, Kennedy Stewart, Shauna Sylvester and Wai Young.

It also asked “if the election were to be held today, which municipal party will you support in the city council elections?” Listed, in order of appearance, were:  IDEA Vancouver, Green Party of Vancouver, NPA, OneCity, ProVancouver, Vancouver 1st, Yes Vancouver, another party or undecided.

The list of parties omitted COPE, Vision Vancouver and Coalition Vancouver. The last name of IDEA mayoral candidate Connie Fogal, the widow of Harry Rankin, was mispronounced as “FAY-gul.”

Mainstreet president Quito Maggi said by email that, to his knowledge, Fogal’s name had been pronounced correctly.

If you can point me to the COPE mayoral candidate, we would be happy to add them to our poll,” he also wrote.

COPE’s Patrick Condon left the race in July after suffering a stroke. theBreaker noted that the Greens and OneCity, other parties without mayoral candidates, were in the list. “I will ensure that all non-mayoral parties are excluded as per your advice,” Maggi wrote.

Mainstreet’s Sept. 4-5 poll surveyed 862 residents with a plus/minus 3.34% margin of error, 19 times out of 20. It found Stewart (14.4%) led Bremner (7.4%) and Sim (7.5%), but a whopping 41.8% of respondents were undecided and 1.1% chose Maya Richards, who theBreaker determined to be the baby of Vision Vancouver supporter Rory Richards, after the poll was published. That poll omitted COPE and OneCity from the party questions and Vancouver 1st’s Fred Harding from the mayoralty questions. 

Mainstreet is aiming for a comeback in 2018 after wrongly predicting, in polls for Postmedia, that Naheed Nenshi would lose the Calgary mayoralty in 2017. 

Vancouverites will elect a new mayor and city council on Oct. 20.

Listen to part of the Oct. 3 Mainstreet Research robocall. Note: demographic questions and answers were cut for brevity and privacy.

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Bob Mackin The Toronto firm that included the

Bob Mackin

Originally published Aug. 23; UPDATED Oct. 4, with surveillance video

Two Mercedes sedans crashed into separate Surrey structures in the just over eight hours earlier this week.

In an Aug. 22 news release, Surrey RCMP said a speeding black Mercedes that fled from a police officer around 6:15 p.m. on Aug. 20 crashed into a house in the 12700 block of 67A Avenue. Two males escaped from the vehicle. One of them was arrested with the help of the dog squad. Police continue to seek the second suspect.

Meanwhile, theBreaker has learned that a white Mercedes sedan crashed into an escalator at Gateway SkyTrain station, shortly after the driver evaded police around 2:20 a.m.

A Mercedes like this crashed into a Surrey SkyTrain station Aug. 21.

Had it happened a few hours earlier, when the station was open, there could have been several casualties.

Surrey RCMP spokeswoman Cpl. Elenore Sturko said an officer tried to pull over a suspicious 2014 Mercedes CLS6 sedan, but the vehicle failed to stop. Sturko said the officer did not try to pursue the vehicle.

“A short time later police received a report that the same vehicle had collided into the Gateway SkyTrain entrance,” Sturko said. “The vehicle was unoccupied when police arrived at the collision.  No suspects have been arrested. The investigation is ongoing.”

Sturko said a review of any available video and witness statements will be part of the investigation, but she declined to release any images and had no suspect description available. Anyone with information is asked to call Surrey RCMP at 604-599-0502 or CrimeStoppers at 1-800-222-8744.

TransLink spokeswoman Jill Drews refused to comment on the incident and referred theBreaker to the Surrey RCMP.

In this era of heightened security around transit stations, why is there no barrier at Gateway to keep cars out?

“Stations are designed according to all applicable safety codes and guidelines,” Drews said. “All unexpected safety incidents and accidents are investigated and reviewed to determine causes and possible mitigation measures. Operational or physical changes that enhance safety are then considered and implemented as part of our capital and operating processes.”

WATCH surveillance footage, obtained under freedom of information.

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Bob Mackin Originally published Aug. 23; UPDATED Oct.

Bob Mackin

Elections BC is reviewing a complaint from a candidate for Mayor of Victoria, who believes a rival is behind a blackmail attempt.

Michael Geoghegan said he received an email early Sept. 28 from someone named Tim Stone, under the subject “5 steps to a cleaner Victoria election campaign.”

Geoghegan (CFAX)

The email proposed a “4-for-1 deal” and urged Geoghegan to remove a blog post alleging mayoral candidate Stephen Hammond of the NewCouncil slate paid for certain social media advertising critical of Geoghegan. It called Geoghegan’s claims false and easy to demonstrate.

Just two days earlier, Geoghegan had complained to the Law Society of B.C., alleging that Hammond, a non-practising lawyer, had paid an alleged fraudster to attack the Geoghegan campaign on Facebook.

The Stone email offered to suppress social media mentions and live debate questions about comments Geoghegan made in the early 2000s about NDP politician Jenny Kwan and former BC Liberal aides Dave Basi and Bob Virk. It also offered to hold back audio of Geoghegan describing his wife’s breast size on CFAX and limit the vandalism and destruction of Geoghegan’s election signs “as best we can.”

“No obligation here, just suggestions,” the email concluded. “We see movement on your part, you’ll see immediate movement on our part.”

Geoghegan complained to the Victoria Police Department and Elections BC. Elections BC spokesman Andrew Watson said the complaint is under review.

“We follow up on any complaint we receive regarding potential violations of the Local Elections Campaign Financing Act,” Watson said. “LECFA does not contain provisions regarding threats and abuse from rival candidates. We refer such complaints to the police or the RCMP.”

Hammond (CFAX)

In an email to theBreaker, Hammond called Geoghegan’s allegations ridiculous, baseless and false.

“We do not engage with people making preposterous claims and urge Victoria residents to refrain from giving any attention to such false statements,” he said. “These are Donald Trump-like tactics. I am spending all my time going door to door with the voters of Victoria and will continue to do so. People are looking for positive change and our team is offering that positive change.”

Geoghegan, a lobbyist, explained that he had sympathized with Basi and Virk, who were fired and charged with taking bribes from Omnitrax, a bidder in the BC Rail privatization. CN eventually bought the company in 2004. Basi and Virk maintained their innocence until a 2010 plea bargain that included payment for their $6 million legal bills and ended a B.C. Supreme Court trial that would have brought BC Liberal politicians to the witness stand.

Geoghegan was fired from his job as head of the B.C. Construction Association for making comments about Kwan on CFAX radio in 2003. He said that her gender and ethnicity were key to her career. “If she’d been a white male she would have been an also-ran a long time ago,” he said at the time.

Geoghegan said he was going through a messy divorce and had been overprescribed medication. He apologized and Kwan accepted.

As for the quip about his wife’s breast size, he said it would already be public from his appearance on Adam Stirling’s CFAX radio show.

During an Oct. 2 debate hosted by CFAX, mayoral candidate Bruce McGuigan pointed out several websites that favour Hammond and NewCouncil, calling the strategy a “gross distortion of democracy.”

“There is a campaign of slander going on, there are all kinds of sock puppets, and false Facebook accounts in a campaign of aggressive well coordinated and apparently well-trained bullying of anybody who raises a point,” said McGuigan, a sociology professor. “If anybody actually successfully raises a point against NewCouncil or Stephen Hammond, that post is taken down and sometimes the whole string is taken down so that it can’t be forwarded to anybody else. I’m concerned that there has been an utter failure on the part of Stephen Hammond and new council to stand up and honourably say this is not appropriate and I’m concerned that somebody that can’t do that, can’t be mayor.”

“As far as the websites,” Hammond replied. “I’ve gotta tell you if other people are choosing on their own right to be slamming other candidates and not me, I can’t help that. I don’t even spend time, I’m at the doors.”

Election day is Oct. 20. Lisa Helps is the incumbent mayor.

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Bob Mackin Elections BC is reviewing a complaint

Bob Mackin

The real estate and immigration lawyer who wants to beat incumbent Malcolm Brodie and become Richmond’s first ethnic Chinese mayor on Oct. 20 said in an interview that there is no human rights abuse in China and that her native country is misunderstood.

theBreaker asked Hong Guo after the Oct. 2 all candidates meeting at Richmond Seniors Centre about her desire to foster closer ties between Richmond and China, despite international concerns over human rights abuse in China where there is no free press.

“I don’t think so, I do not agree,” Guo said. “I think China has lots of freedom of speech.”

Richmond lawyer Hong Guo announced her run for Mayor of Richmond last June.

theBreaker pointed out that journalists have been jailed in China. 

“I don’t believe it,” she said. “I know so many people in China, and I have never heard about this. You have never been in China, I guess. That’s why I want to be a bridge, there is so much misunderstanding, there is lots of misunderstanding.”

Despite evidence contradicting Guo, she said “99.9%” of people will agree with her. She said major international outlets with foreign correspondents in China, such as the New York Times and Wall Street Journal, “don’t really understand Chinese policy or situation.”

“You go to China to stay there for five years and you will find it out. You are wrong. Yes. You are very much wrong,” she said.

“The Chinese media in China, they have very much freedom, to talk and to criticize and to make suggestions.” 

Guo is facing severe challenges to her candidacy after a professional misconduct citation from the Law Society of B.C. and for being a defendant in a $13 million lawsuit about a collapsed real estate deal. None of the allegations has been proven and Guo denies wrongdoing.

theBreaker continued to ask Guo about her knowledge of recent human rights issues about China.

Q: “So Amnesty International is all wrong, Human Rights Watch is all wrong… they’re all wrong?”

Guo: “Yes sir, if they’re saying so, they are wrong.”

Q: “What about Liu Xiaobo, Nobel Prize winner?”

Guo: “I don’t know, OK, so I think we’re a little bit too far from…”

Q: “The Nobel Prize winner from China who eventually died, his wife got out recently, went to Germany?”

Guo: “It’s a lie. It’s not fact. Yeah, give us the fact, because we are lawyers and we need evidence, we don’t really want to talk…”

Q: “What about Ai Weiwei, the artist.

Guo: “I don’t know, I have no idea about this.”

Q: “The famous artist, co-designer of the Bird’s Nest…”

Guo: “I’m not aware of this. I’m not aware of this…

Q: “You haven’t heard of Ai Weiwei the artist?

Guo: “I have never heard about this.”

Q: “You haven’t heard of the Nobel Prize winner, the artist? Do you read any western media here in Canada, the Globe and Mail, the National Post? They do have coverage of China.”

Guo: “Yes.”

Q: “I’m asking these questions because you want to build bridges between Richmond and China…. I’m asking about your knowledge of human rights abuses of China.”

Guo: “There is no human rights abuse in China, OK.”

Q: “Do you know what’s happening right now in Xinjiang, the re-education camps?”

Guo: “What do you know, and how can you know? Did you visit that camp? Then go to visit and then see by your eyes. Because I have so many friends, business partners and relatives, they are in China, they are there every day, they know better than you, they know better than CBC, they know better than the New York Times. They do.”

Q: “Why do you think that? You told me on the phone when I interviewed you that you’re not doing work with the Chinese government …

Guo:“It’s over… I think that’s the end.”

Guo’s handlers, including business partner Wolfgang Richter and Sutton real estate agent Peter Schellenberg, removed her from the building and blocked this reporter from following for the purpose of asking more questions about her business.

In late 2017, the Committee to Project Journalists said there were 262 journalists jailed around the world. The 41 in Chinese prisons were second only to the 73 incarcerated in Turkey.

Jiang Yefei’s cartoon criticizing China’s supreme leader Xi Jinping for favouring the country’s wealthy over the poor.

In July, the CPJ reported that a Sichuan provincial court sentenced freelance political cartoonist Jiang Yefei to six-and-a-half years in prison after a secret trial for “inciting subversion of state power,” and “illegally crossing a national border.” Jiang had fled to Thailand in 2008 after facing harassment from Chinese authorities for criticizing the government’s response to the Sichuan earthquake. An estimated 69,000 people died, many in earthquake-prone buildings that collapsed.

Amnesty International’s annual report said 10 journalists from the website, which reports on protests in China, were in prison at the end of 2017: Wang Jing, Zhang Jixin, Li Min, Sun Enwei, Li Chunhua, Wei Wenyuan, Xiao Jianfang, Li Zhaoxiu, Chen Mingyan and Wang Shurong. The website’s co-founder, Huang Qi, was accused of “leaking state secrets” and finally allowed to meet his lawyer eight months after he was detained.

Blogger Lu Yuyu, who documented protests in China, was sentenced to four years in jail in August for “picking quarrels and provoking trouble.” 

Human Rights Watch said foreign governments did little to push back against China’s worsening rights record while president Xi Jinping became more powerful.

HRW reported that authorities charged Liu Feiyue, founder of the website Civil Rights and Livelihood Watch, with “leaking state secrets” and “inciting subversion of state power.” Liu could face life in jail if convicted.

Note: Bob Mackin has traveled extensively in China. In 2008, he covered the Beijing Olympics for Sun Media. His most-recent visit was early 2015.

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Bob Mackin The real estate and immigration lawyer